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Getting to know your data breaches

Since GDPR came into effect, people tend to be a lot more aware of their personal data or rather, data breaches containing their personal data. Most data breaches that appear on the news tend to be what I call ‘big boy breaches’. These refer to massive breaches from the big companies consisting of millions and millions of data records.

Cyber Security Issues and Challenges in 2019

Cyber security is a continuously evolving enigma which cannot be ignored by the organizations anymore. Since the attack techniques are getting intrusive as well sophisticated, it has become mandatory for a business to invest in its cyber security to minimize the chances of cyber attacks. In this article, we will discuss five of the most serious cyber security issues and challenges for modern-day businesses.

Risk Management in the Retail Industry

Cyber risk management for the retail industry increases in complexity on an almost daily basis. Using Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) tools eases business operations by streamlining payment processing and inventory management. However, since automated tools connect to the internet, they add new risks that retailers need to mitigate.

Leveraging document types to improve detection of insider attacks

Egnyte Protect relies heavily on Machine Learning technology to defend you against insider attacks. Powered by the Google Document Understanding AI which was just announced at Google Next 2019 – our advanced insider attack detection identifies access anomalies that could potentially be a data leakage.

Announcing the Sysdig Cloud-Native Visibility + Security Platform 2.0

Today we’re announcing version 2.0 of the Sysdig Cloud-Native Visibility + Security platform. It provides a more powerful and significantly simpler way for enterprises to see the health, risk, and performance of their cloud-native environments in a single unified view.

What is AWS GuardDuty

AWS is the most popular cloud platform for enterprises, and with good reason. Amazon has massive infrastructure around the world, and many years of experience with it. Whether your network is completely on the cloud or you have a hybrid network, using AWS saves your business a lot of money and physical space. You benefit from Amazon’s tremendous economies of scale, and a lot of the tedious work involved in maintaining a network can be delegated to them.

Understanding "container security"

Do you docker? Without a doubt, containers are one of the hottest concepts in application delivery and security these days. And that’s a very good thing. Containers have tremendous advantages over the way we have done things in the past. But how should containers influence a threat detection and response strategy? Do I need a larger “container security” strategy to get started deploying my apps using container architectures?