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Non-repudiation: Your Virtual Shield in Cybersecurity

In the digital world, where countless users communicate, share data, and engage in diverse activities, determining the origin and actions behind these interactions can be quite challenging. This is where non-repudiation steps in. Coupling other security factors, such as delivery proof, identity verification, and a digital signature, creates non-repudiation. This guarantees that the parties involved in the transmission are unable to renounce the execution of an action.

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How threat intelligence can improve vulnerability management outcomes

It might surprise you to know that more than 70 new vulnerabilities are published every day. And despite their risk-reducing value in helping SOC teams address these, vulnerability management solutions have drawbacks. Often, they only provide a snapshot of an organization's vulnerabilities at a point in time. In fact, owing to their nature, vulnerabilities identified today may not exist tomorrow, or they may appear and disappear intermittently. This leaves security teams scrambling to understand not only what the risk is, but how it affects them and where they should start first with any remediation.

7 Steps to ensure compliance with the CJIS security policy

A high-profile case hangs in the balance. Suddenly, court systems are paralyzed. Evidence is locked away, replaced by a ransom demand. Every law enforcement agency’s nightmare is alarmingly common – 96% of organizations were hit by ransomware in the past year, according to Cisco’s 2023 report. Exposed API keys, forgotten cloud configurations, outdated systems – these seemingly small vulnerabilities are the entry points relentless cybercriminals exploit.

How to segment DHCP scopes in DDI Central to achieve effective network segmentation

Data breaches have become alarmingly frequent and expensive. In 2022, the average incident incurred a massive cost of $4.35 million and, further compounding the associated costs and impacts, took an average of 243 days to identify and an additional 84 days to contain. This figure is expected to climb even higher as regulatory bodies across the globe tighten data protection laws, escalating the financial and reputational stakes of failing to safeguard sensitive information.

Top HIPAA Compliant Fax Services: Ensuring Secure Healthcare Communication

When it comes to transmitting sensitive patient data, faxing must be secure and compliant under HIPAA regulations. But what does a 'hipaa compliant fax' service entail? Without delay, this article gets to the heart of HIPAA fax compliance, detailing the necessary security measures, the severe risks of non-compliance, and how to identify credible fax services that uphold these regulations. Discover the components and benefits of dependable HIPAA compliant fax solutions that protect patient data and uphold the integrity of healthcare providers.

Insider Threat Mitigation Strategies To Improve Security

When company leaders and managers consider their cybersecurity risks, they too often focus on their vulnerability to external threats only. While state-sponsored attacks, phishing attacks, ransomware, and third-party software infiltration are becoming more prevalent in the current threat landscape, it’s important that those potentialities don’t distract attention from the dangers posed by insider threats.

Insights from the Experts: Legal, Compliance, and Security Perspectives on SEC Regulations

In July 2023, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) announced new cybersecurity rules that require publicly traded companies in the U.S. to disclose material cybersecurity incidents within four business days of determining whether the incident is material to the company’s financial performance. SecurityScorecard recently hosted a webinar discussing the implications of the new rules and how compliance, security, and legal experts can elevate their game to meet these new regulations.

The EU's Strategy for a Cybersecure Digital Single Market

The EU Digital Single Market Strategy (DSM Strategy) is a comprehensive initiative launched by the European Union to enhance Europe’s digital economy and maximise its growth potential across member states. The strategy includes evolving policies and specific initiatives aimed at the digitalisation of the European Union and adapting it to the rapidly changing digital ecosystem.

What is the Oregon Consumer Privacy Act (OCPA)?

The Oregon State Government passed Senate Bill 619, also known as the Oregon Consumer Privacy Act (OCPA), in July 2023. The OCPA will become effective on July 1, 2024, the same day the Texas Data Privacy and Security Act will also impose obligations on data controllers and processors. Oregon’s privacy legislation follows the structure of several other US data privacy laws, including the Colorado Privacy Act, the Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act, and the Montana Consumer Privacy Act.