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New 1Password SIEM integration with Sumo Logic and Panther

Reduce the time your team spends investigating security issues by using a customizable dashboard that shows your organization’s entire security posture. With the new Sumo Logic and Panther integrations for 1Password, you can monitor potential risks around company data or credentials stored within 1Password.

Brick by brick: why Docusaurus is a powerful documentation framework

At 2022’s AGConf (1Password’s annual employee conference), every employee received a goodie box to celebrate the event and the company’s successes over the past year. Our theme this year was “space”, so the goodie box included a kit for a Lego rocket ship (very appropriate considering our own CEO is a Lego aficionado).

Introducing 1Password for Visual Studio Code

In writing software, we’re used to embedding secrets and other configurable values right in the codebase. They might be Stripe keys to power your online shop, webhooks for a custom Slack bot, a Docker username and password for a CI config, AWS credentials, or an API token and host to set up 1Password Connect.

Small Talk: mindfulness when surfing the web at work

Two decades ago, the web was a casual escape dominated by message boards, AOL Instant Messenger, and Homestar Runner. Only some people used it for work. Fast forward 20 years, and countless jobs require that you use the internet in some way. This has made it easier than ever to take a quick break, open a new tab, and do some personal surfing – blurring the line between work and leisure.