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More Effective Security Awareness: 3 Tips for NCSAM

It’s often said that humans are the weakest link in cybersecurity. Indeed, I’d have a hard time arguing that a computer that was sealed in a box, untouched by human hand, poses much of a security risk. But a computer that is unused has no purpose. It behooves security practitioners to get smarter about how we teach people to use those machines so that both humans and computers can work together to safely accomplish greater things.

How to Comply with the NIST Cybersecurity Framework

Since NIST Cybersecurity Framework is the best solution for better prevention, detection, and response to cybersecurity incidents, various organizations have adopted it to safeguard their IT assets. The 2019 SANS OT/ICS Cybersecurity Survey spells out the NIST CSF as the number one cybersecurity framework in use today. However, it is imperative to consider that how should we comply with NIST CSF in 2020 and beyond? Here is some help!

Teleport 4.4: Concurrent Session Control & Session Streaming

A SSH session can be interactive or non-interactive. The session starts when a computer or human connects to a node using SSH. SSH sessions can be established using public/private key cryptography or can use short lived SSH Certificates, similar to how Teleport works. Organizations often want to know who is accessing the systems and provide a greater level of control over who and when people are accessing them, which is where Teleport 4.4 comes into play.

Website Security: How to Protect Your Website Checklist

Putting a website on the internet means exposing that website to hacking attempts, port scans, traffic sniffers and data miners. If you’re lucky, you might get some legitimate traffic as well, but not if someone takes down or defaces your site first. Most of us know to look for the lock icon when we're browsing to make sure a site is secure, but that only scratches the surface of what can be done to protect a web server.

What is SQL injection?

An SQL injection (also known as SQLi) is a technique for the “injection” of SQL commands by attackers to access and manipulate databases. Using SQL code via user input that a web application (eg, web form) sends to its database server, attackers can gain access to information, which could include sensitive data or personal customer information. SQL injection is a common issue with database-driven websites.

Raising the Red Flag on the Insider Threat from Ransomware

There was nothing in particular that should have drawn attention to the two individuals sitting for drinks at the bar in Reno. Just two old colleagues catching up over some drinks. But if someone had paid close enough attention (and perhaps spoke Russian), then they might have overheard that one of the pair was attempting to recruit the other into what was possibly one of the biggest ransomware operations to date.

Why Enterprise Digital Rights Management (EDRM) has an edge over Data Loss Prevention (DLP)?

The biggest boon to enterprises is the advent of the concept of data collaboration. Effective collaboration calls for data sharing not only within an enterprise but also amongst different enterprises. This sharing of data at a granular level leads to a situation where everyone has access to all information available in the enterprise without any security.