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The Future of Security and The Inevitability of Remote Working

By this time in 2020, you’re probably well past the panic of pandemic cybersecurity. The “New Normal” isn’t very new anymore and what was once perceived as short term crisis management of security is looking more like a long term solution. As we look ahead, it’s important to look at what we’ve learned from this situation, as security professionals and how we can apply that to the long road we still have ahead of us.

Announcing the 11th Volume of Our State of Software Security Report

Today, we released the 11th volume of our annual State of Software Security (SOSS) report. This report, based on our scan results, always offers an abundance of insights and information about software vulnerabilities – what they are, what’s causing them, and how to address them most effectively. This year is no different. With last year’s SOSS Volume 10, we spent some time looking at how much things had changed in the decade spanning Volume 1 to Volume 10.

How to Best Secure the Industrial Network for EMEA Organizations

You don’t have to search very far in the news to see stories of websites being hacked and customer details being stolen. Stories about incidents involving industrial control systems (ICSes) and operational technology (OT) environments aren’t so common. But they are prevalent. Just the other week, for example, an airline company sent out an email letting me know that their database had been hacked and that my travel details might have been taken.

Protecting data in Snowflake is easy with Nightfall's API platform

Ever since Snowflake burst onto the scene in 2014, the company and the software has been massively influential in how we all think of storing and accessing data. Snowflake reached new heights in September when they launched their IPO — at 28 million shares and $3.4 billion raised, it’s the largest software IPO in history. The higher financial profile and cash influx means Snowflake can expand its reach even further.

Australia Proposes Security Law to Protect Critical Infrastructure Against Cyber Attacks

The Australian Government is committed to protecting the essential services all Australians rely on by uplifting the security and resilience of critical infrastructure. Increasingly interconnected and interdependent critical infrastructure is delivering efficiencies and economic benefits to operations.

Using SIEM for Simplifying SOX Compliance

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) establishes requirements for the integrity of the source data used in financial transactions and reporting. In particular, auditors are looking at regulated data residing in databases connected to enterprise applications. To prove the integrity of financial data, companies must extend audit processes to the financial information stored within corporate databases.

Weekly Cyber Security News 23/10/2020

A selection of this week’s more interesting vulnerability disclosures and cyber security news. For a daily selection see our twitter feed at #ionCube24. With money in some form being the objective of most attacks, it comes as a bit of a shock and much (cynical) suspicion when a recent ransomware group donated some of their haul to charity….

10 Takeaways About the Impact of 2020's Uncertainty on Security

This week Netskope hosted our annual executive briefing with the US Embassy in London, converted, in common with many events this year, into an online webinar. We wanted to take the opportunity to consider what impact this year’s unprecedented changes and uncertainty were having on the cybersecurity landscape.