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Snyk and StackHawk form strategic alliance to equip app teams with modern, developer-first security testing

Application innovation, design, development, quality assurance, and security testing have changed dramatically over the past decade. Engineering teams are leveraging agile development processes, modern cloud platforms, reusable microservices, and extensible APIs, enabling them to shift to more frequent deployments more easily.

Reduce risks of data breaches throughout your development lifecycle with the new Bearer GitHub Action

Bearer is a Static Application Security Testing (SAST) tool that enables security and engineering teams to identify and mitigate data security risks throughout the software development lifecycle. It integrates with Source Code Management (SCM) software (see Git repository integrations for more details) to scan your code repositories, discover and classify data flows, and detect gaps with your data security policy.

Modernizing SAST rules maintenance to catch vulnerabilities faster

Snyk Code separates itself from the majority of static code analysis tools by generating and maintaining rule sets for its users — helping them combat common and newly discovered threats. A recent Hub article described a new Javascript vulnerability called prototype pollution, which allows attackers to modify, or “pollute”, a Javascript object prototype and execute a variety of malicious actions.

How To Set A Benchmark Of False Positives With SAST Tools

Many Static Application Security Testing (SAST) tools struggle with false positives. They often report that a vulnerability is present, while, in reality, it does not exist. This inaccuracy weighs down the engineering team, as they spend productive hours triaging the false alarms. By setting a benchmark of false positives — a limit, above which is unacceptable — you can establish a point of reference or standard against which to measure the efficacy of your SAST tool.

Best SAST Tools: Top 7 Solutions Compared

Static application security testing (SAST) tools automatically scan the source code of an application. The goal is to identify vulnerabilities before deployment. SAST tools perform white-box testing, which involves analyzing the code based on inside knowledge of the application. SAST offers granularity in detecting vulnerabilities, providing an assessment down to the line of code.

How To Address SAST False Positives In Application Security Testing

Static Application Security Testing (SAST) is an effective and well-established application security testing technology. It allows developers to create high-quality and secure software that is resistant to the kinds of attacks that have grown more prevalent in recent years. However, the challenge with SAST is that it tends to produce a high number of false positives that waste the time of your engineering team. In this blog we take a look at SAST and the problem of false positives.