Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

August 2024

Cloud Server vs. Physical Server: Which One is Better?

In the ever-evolving landscape of business technology, companies are faced with a crucial decision - should they opt for the cloud or maintain their own physical servers? Both options hold distinct advantages, making the choice a complex one that requires careful consideration.

5 Popular Streaming Platforms That Allow VPN Access

Streaming platforms have completely replaced TVs and become the cornerstone of entertainment as they offer a huge selection of films, TV series, and live material at our disposal. However, there's a small problem. The content available on these platforms often varies based on geographical locations due to licensing agreements. This limitation makes people use Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) to access restricted content from different regions.

5 Cyber Frauds and Scams You MUST Watch Out For

Many of us spend a significant amount of time online working, socialising, consuming entertainment and purchasing in online stores, among other activities. This extensive online presence has made the internet a prime target for scammers who prey on unsuspecting individuals. Over time, these scams have become increasingly sophisticated, with fraudsters developing more convincing schemes that people are likely to fall for.

Top cyber security threats to look out for

Increasingly sophisticated cyber security threats present significant challenges for businesses and individuals alike. And with increasing dependency on technology and digital platforms, understanding the various types of cyber security attacks and how they can impact an organization is crucial to maintain a secure business environment. From phishing scams to ransomware attacks, cyber security attacks are constantly evolving, becoming more targeted and difficult to detect.

TCA Tanium Certified Administrator - Certification Series - Tanium Tech Talks #100

Welcome to this installment of the Tanium certification series. Today we're looking at the entry level Tanium Certified Administrator exam, the TCA. As with other exams in this series, I've invited one of the experts who helped write the exam questions to give us an insider's look at what is covered and to help you prepare.

TCO Tanium Certified Operator - Certification Series - Tanium Tech Talks #99

Welcome to this installment of the Tanium certification series. Today we're looking at the entry level Tanium Certified Operator exam, the TCO. As with other exams in this series, I've invited one of the experts who helped write the exam questions to give us an insider's look at what is covered and to help you prepare.

What To Do if Your Bank Account Is Hacked

If your bank account has been hacked, you should contact your bank immediately, change your bank account’s password and place a freeze on your credit report. Because your savings are on the line, you must act quickly when you learn your bank account has been hacked. Read more to learn the common signs of a hacked bank account and what you should do if someone hacks into your bank account.

How To Tell if Someone Is Scamming You Online

You can tell if someone is scamming you online if they make grammatical or spelling errors, create a sense of urgency, ask you for personal information, offer you something that’s too good to be true or reach out to you unexpectedly. Read the following signs that someone is scamming you online, learn about the most common online scams to watch out for and note our tips on how to protect yourself from becoming a victim.

Navigating the Challenges of CVE Management: Strategies for Effective Vulnerability Management

In today's rapidly evolving cybersecurity landscape, managing Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) is a critical yet increasingly complex task. As organizations scale their digital footprints, the sheer volume and diversity of vulnerabilities they must contend with have grown exponentially. This surge in potential threats, compounded by the sophisticated tactics employed by cyber adversaries, makes CVE management a required but complicated endeavor.