Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

July 2024

Understanding iGaming Payment Fraud Risks in Africa

If you're engaged with the iGaming community, do you consider the fraud risks associated with online payments in Africa? As the iGaming sector expands across the continent, understanding the challenges of securing transactions and safeguarding personal information is crucial.

Security Update: Critical CUPS Vulnerability

A critical chained vulnerability (CVE-2024-47076, CVE-2024-47175, CVE-2024-47176, and CVE-2024-47177) has been detected within the open-source printing system CUPS (present in most Linux distributions). Attackers can achieve remote code execution, potentially leading to complete control of the vulnerable system. Detectify customers can assess whether their systems are running affected versions of CUPS.

The Role of Automation in Enforcing the Principle of Least Privilege

As businesses continue to expand their reliance on cloud security and privileged access management, the imperative to implement least privilege access in a manner both effective and efficient cannot be overstated. Yet, with the increasing complexity of information systems and the proliferation of privileged accounts, manually administering and enforcing the least privilege principle poses substantial challenges.

5 reasons why MSPs can't win the Microsoft 365 security game using Secure Score (and what to do about it)

1. Limited Scope of Security Metrics Microsoft Secure Score assesses security configurations and behaviors within the Microsoft 365 ecosystem but does not account for external threats. MSPs need a holistic security approach that includes network security, endpoint protection, and third-party integrations, which Secure Score does not cover (S:1).

Deep Dive into Blockchain Security: Vulnerabilities and Protective Measures

Blockchain technology, renowned for its decentralized and immutable nature, promises enhanced security for various applications. However, like any technology, it is not without vulnerabilities. This in-depth examination explores the security aspects of blockchain, identifies common vulnerabilities, and outlines the measures needed to secure blockchain applications effectively.

Leaked passwords, no passwords, and AI generated captions for video

In this week’s episode, we explore the realm of passwords, leaked passwords, two-factor authentication (2FA), and also AI generated captions for video. Host João Tomé is joined by Garrett Galow, Director of Product at Cloudflare, to discuss a recent blog post on how we help keep customers safe through leaked password notifications accessible via our dashboard. We also discuss the use of passwords in 2024, the importance of 2FA or multi-factor authentication like hardware keys, offer suggestions, and explore how passwords might become less common in the future.