Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

July 2024

WazirX Cyberattack: A Major Blow to the Indian Cryptocurrency Market

On Wednesday night, the Indian cryptocurrency platform WazirX experienced a significant cyberattack, resulting in the theft of at least $230 million worth of cryptocurrency. The breach was first detected by several blockchain security companies, including Elliptic, Arkham, and BlockSec. These firms observed large amounts of digital coins being siphoned out of WazirX before the platform acknowledged the security breach.

Microsoft Outage Due to CrowdStrike Update

Earlier today, CrowdStrike released a new update on their Falcon Sensor product. Unfortunately, the update caused technical issues, resulting in major outages globally to Microsoft Windows machines. The issue caused the “Blue Screen of Death” and several reports worldwide stated that several industries were affected, such as airlines, banks, media, etc. According to CrowdStrike Tech Alert, they are already aware of reports of crashes on Windows hosts related to the CrowdStrike Sensors.

Two of Wallarm's Open-source Tools Have Been Accepted into Black Hat Arsenal 2024

We're gearing up with some seriously cool stuff for Black Hat! But first, a little sneak peek - not just one, but TWO of Wallarm's open-source tools will be featured in the Arsenal showcase at Black Hat USA this year. Black Hat Arsenal unites researchers and the open-source community to display their newest open-source tools and products, allowing presenters to engage directly with attendees. Its schedule is now live, so save the date to watch presentations of API Firewall and GoTestWAF.

Take Action Now on NIS2 Directive

It’s time to ‘Have Your Say’ on the future of cybersecurity regulations in the European Union. The draft implementing regulation for the NIS2 Directive is now open for public feedback through the ‘Have Your Say’ portal until July 25, 2024. This consultation period allows stakeholders to contribute to refining the regulation, with all feedback shaping the final regulations.

Top Questions CISOs Should Ask: How To Guide The Development Of A Secure DevSecOps Strategy

With the threat landscape being on the rise, CISOs need to be much more attentive while building the organization’s security strategy. Constantly arising vulnerabilities, ransomware attacks, critical workflows, outages – all of that require CISOs to stay up to date to security issues and keep their finger on the pulse to change their security strategy once the prerequisites pop up. We’ve been tracking GitHub, GitLab, and Atlassian -related incidents for the latest few years…

How Identity Security Enhances Network and Endpoint Security

The intersection of identity, endpoint, and network security is becoming increasingly self-evident. Despite all their efforts, modern organizations continue to struggle to safeguard their data and prevent unauthorized access. The Verizon Data Breach Investigations report for 2024 continues to highlight that human elements were a component of 68% of breaches.

The Role of PCBs in Cybersecurity

As fraudsters are continuously finding new ways to strike, we’re continuously finding new ways to prevent them with controls such as encryption, multi-factor authentication, fraud detection software, etc. But not everyone is aware that it all begins with how electronic devices are designed. With the way Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) are laid out and built, to be precise. This assembly is far more important for cybersecurity than you might think.

A guide to the OWASP TOP 10 for large language model applications

Attackers are increasingly targeting vulnerabilities within large language models (LLMs) used to recognise and generate text. In response to the growing risk, the recently launched OWASP Top 10 for LLMs covers the key vulnerabilities within these types of AI applications. Read our guide to learn more about the most critical vulnerabilities and how to reduce AI security risks.

SASE: Your Secret Weapon to Mastering DORA Compliance

A lot has happened since the 2008 financial crisis and credit crunch, including a significant increase in cloud app adoption in financial services and a rise in cyber attacks targeting those apps. To keep the financial sector safe and secure, the EU introduced new rules. Initially, these regulations focused on ensuring banks had enough capital to handle financial problems. However, as cyberattacks became a bigger threat, the EU recognised the need for additional measures.

The Cost of Complacency: Analyzing the Financial Impact of Cybersecurity Breaches

In today’s digital landscape, the importance of robust cybersecurity measures cannot be overstated. Yet, despite the clear and present danger posed by cyber threats, many organizations still underinvest in cybersecurity, operating under a false sense of security. This complacency can be incredibly costly, as the financial ramifications of cybersecurity breaches are staggering.

The Top Cyber Attack Vectors Organizations Face

Recent research by Arctic Wolf has revealed that, within the last 12 months, 48% of organizations identified evidence of a successful breach within their environment. As The State of Cybersecurity: 2024 Trends Report highlights, “To fully understand the gravity of this statistic, it is important to understand that, although 48% of these environments found evidence of a data breach, that does not inversely mean that 52% of organizations did not suffer a breach.”