Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

March 2024

Cybersecurity: From Government to Consumer Unveiling Key Meta Patterns for the Future #podcast

Explore the evolving landscape of cybersecurity in this insightful video, where we delve into its pervasive importance across government services, healthcare, consumer realms, and beyond. Join us as we highlight the heightened attention and investment in cybersecurity, recognizing meta patterns such as agility, modularity, and enhanced interoperability among cyber technologies. Discover how these overarching themes shape the future of cybersecurity strategy and implementation.

SafeBreach Coverage for AA24-060A (Phobos Ransomware) and AA24-060B (Ivanti Connect Secure)

On February 29th, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) issued two separate advisories related to malicious behavior exhibited by threat actors. The first advisory AA24-060A pertains to Phobos Ransomware and the second advisory AA24-060B pertains to the exploitation of vulnerabilities in Ivanti Connect Secure and Policy Secure Gateways.

Password Spraying vs Credential Stuffing

Password spraying and credential stuffing have a lot in common, but the main difference is in the way the attack is executed. With credential stuffing, the cybercriminal already has a set of verified login credentials, whereas, with password spraying, the cybercriminal has to guess the login credentials by matching a list of usernames with a commonly used password.

Detect Money Laundering, Healthcare Fraud, and Unemployment Fraud with the New Version of the Splunk App for Fraud Analytics

Fraud is a problem that impacts all of us in different ways; there’s probably no one who hasn’t been directly or indirectly impacted by some kind of fraudulent activity. Have you or someone you know had their identity stolen? Has someone hacked your email or social media account? Have you had money taken from your account (think bank or credit cards here) one way or another? These are all examples of fraud and how it can affect us.

When Patch Tuesday becomes Patch Monday - Friday

If you’re an administrator running Ivanti VPN (Connect Secure and Policy Secure) appliances in your network, then the past two months have likely made you wish you weren’t. In a relatively short timeframe bad news kept piling up for Ivanti Connect Secure VPN customers, starting on Jan. 10th, 2024, when critical and high severity vulnerabilities, CVE-2024-21887 and CVE-2023-46805 respectively, were disclosed by Ivanti impacting all supported versions of the product.

Active Directory Domain Consolidation

Active Directory domain consolidation is the process of restructuring an organization’s Active Directory setup to reduce the number of domains. Consolidation is often performed as part of a company reorganization, merger or acquisition, but it is also used to simplify an AD infrastructure that has become unwieldy over time.

Planning with Purpose: 10 Tips to Develop Your Year-Long Security and Compliance Training Program

Our team at KnowBe4 recently got together to talk about planning for annual security and compliance training. You might be thinking, “Aren’t you a little late in planning for the year? It’s March already...” We are actually talking about 2025. Not everyone trains millions of learners all around the world like we do, so your planning for compliance and security training might be on a different timescale.