Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

March 2024

CyRC Vulnerability Advisory: CVE-2023-7060 Missing Security Control in Zephyr OS IP Packet Handling

The Synopsys Cybersecurity Research Center (CyRC) has identified problems in Zephyr OS related to protecting against internet protocol (IP) address spoofing attacks. Zephyr OS is a popular real-time operating system used in connected, resource-constrained systems like Internet of Things and embedded devices. It is highly customizable and supports multiple architectures, systems-on-a-chip, and boards, making it useful for a wide range of applications.

CrowdStrike Enhances Cloud Detection and Response (CDR) Capabilities to Protect CI/CD Pipeline

The increase in cloud adoption has been met with a corresponding rise in cybersecurity threats. Cloud intrusions escalated by a staggering 75% in 2023, with cloud-conscious cases increasing by 110%. Amid this surge, eCrime adversaries have become the top threat actors targeting the cloud, accounting for 84% of adversary-attributed cloud-conscious intrusions.

A Complete Guide to NIST Compliance 2024

The NIST cybersecurity framework is a set of guidelines and best practices to help organizations improve their security posture. The recommendations and standards allow the organization to be better equipped to identify and detect cyberattacks and provide guidelines for responding, mitigating, and recovering from cyberattacks. In this guide, we discuss everything from the core functions of the NIST framework to how Appknox can help you automate NIST compliance management. So, let’s dive right in.

Enhancing Shopper Safety: The Role of Mall Security in Today's Retail Environment

Mall security teams play a crucial role in making sure everyone who visits feels secure and protected. With the rise of online shopping, malls are working harder to provide a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone who walks through their doors.  Security professionals use the latest technology and strategies to prevent theft, manage crowds, and handle emergencies quickly and effectively. Their presence deters potential threats and offers shoppers and staff peace of mind. 

USB review, Part 2: How to manage USB devices

In this two-part series, the first blog demonstrates how USB devices can be conduits of threats. Read that blog to learn more about USB security threats. In this blog, we’ll look at how you can address these USB security risks. Even in the era of the cloud, USB risks prevail. This is evident from some of the top USB-based searches in Google.
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Harnessing the value of data with data monetisation

Businesses around the globe are using new technologies to change the world. But this wouldn't be possible without the use of sensitive data such as Personal Identifiable Information (PII) and Protected Health Information (PHI) to drive advancements in personalisation and sophistication. However, if companies are using data that typically is associated with medical records and insurance claims, this bodes the question, is personal data secure?

Fixer-Upper Wisdom: Nailing Down CVSS Vector String, EPSS and CISA-KEV

The Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) is a pivotal tool in the field of cybersecurity that helps determine the severity of software vulnerabilities. There are few people who haven’t heard of this scoring system, however, there are many who only know it as a scoring model versus an actual vulnerability matrix that offers a consistent framework for communicating the traits and effects of different vulnerabilities.

Red Team vs Pen Testing - What's the Difference? | Red Team Roundtable

Red teaming is just pen testing, right? Well, wrong. There’s overlap, for sure, but red teaming and penetration testing are coming from different places doing different jobs. Find out the nitty gritty in this 90-second explainer. This is an excerpt from our full Red Team Roundtable, part of our Fireside Chats series.

The Hack - Is law enforcement winning the cyber war?

Step into the world of cyber warfare with cybersecurity expert Bushido Token in our exclusive interview, "The Hack - Is law enforcement winning the cyber war?" Explore the frontlines of digital defence as we delve into recent victories against ransomware groups and the relentless efforts of law enforcement to dismantle cybercrime syndicates.

5 Steps to Auditing Administrator Access Rights

Accounts with administrative and elevated privileges are necessary for both business and IT functions, but they represent a significant risk to your organization. In the hands of a careless or malcontent insider or an adversary, privileged credentials open the door to data breaches, infrastructure outages and compliance violations.