Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

February 2024

Falcon Exposure Management Asset Criticality Rules: Demo Drill Down

Undifferentiated protection of assets can lead to misallocated resources and vulnerable critical systems. Falcon Exposure Management's Asset Criticality Rules feature allows for precise prioritization of your most essential assets, ensuring they receive the focused protection they deserve. This demo will showcase how effectively implemented criticality rules bring clarity and strategic security to safeguard your key assets where it matters most.

Always Ahead: Arctic Wolf on Artificial Intelligence

In this episode of Always Ahead, our Chief Product Officer Dan Schiappa explains how Arctic Wolf is incorporating the efficiency and speed of artificial intelligence into our security journey, empowering our world-class security concierge team to deliver comprehensive protection at the speed of data.

Are Firewalls Alone Equipped to Mitigate Against the Increasingly Sophisticated Cyberthreats?

The sheer volume of data breaches continues to escalate at a phenomenal rate. Cyberattacks on all businesses, but particularly small to medium-sized businesses, are becoming more frequent, targeted, and complex. According to Accenture’s Cost of Cybercrime Study, 43% of cyberattacks are aimed at small businesses, but only 14% of those businesses are prepared to defend themselves.

Far Beyond the Firewall - Experiencing Alert Fatigue From Your Overwhelmed Firewall?

The cyberthreat landscape is ever-evolving and the level of sophistication from cybercriminals is always increasing. Networks are not impenetrable. Alarmingly, 79 minutes is now the average time from when an attacker compromises a network to when they start to move laterally, infiltrating the rest of the network.

Exploring Syscall Evasion - Linux Shell Builtins

This is the first article in a series focusing on syscall evasion as a means to work around detection by security tools and what we can do to combat such efforts. We’ll be starting out the series discussing how this applies to Linux operating systems, but this is a technique that applies to Windows as well, and we’ll touch on some of this later on in the series. In this particular installment, we’ll be discussing syscall evasion with bash shell builtins.

Addressing the Threat of Security Debt: Unveiling the State of Software Security 2024

Today, I’m proud to share our 14th annual State of Software Security report. Our 2024 report shines a spotlight on the pressing issue of security debt in applications, and it provides a wake-up call to organizations worldwide. The demand for speed and innovation has resulted in the accumulation of risk known as security debt. As Chief Research Officer at Veracode, I’m deeply committed to empowering businesses to confront the challenges posed by security debt. Let’s dive in.

13 Top Bot Management Software in the Market for 2024

How do you approach bot management? For certain businesses, the optimal approach could involve selecting a single bot management software to meet their existing bot detection and management needs. For some companies, combining behavioural analytics for identifying malicious bot behaviour and a WAF (WAAP) to defend against vulnerability exploits, DDoS attacks, and API security breaches is essential.

Snyk & Atlassian: How to embed security in AI-assisted software development

Adding AI to your software development life cycle (SDLC) comes with great opportunities — and great dangers. Is the risk worth the reward? This was the topic of conversation when Sascha Wiswedel, Senior Solutions Engineer at Atlassian, and Simon Maple, Principal Developer Advocate at Snyk, teamed up to discuss security in the (AI-assisted) software development lifecycle.