Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

February 2024

The 2024 Open Source Security and Risk Analysis (OSSRA) Report | Synopsys

Open source is in everything, everywhere, all at once. Get an in-depth look at the current state of open source security with the ninth edition of the “Open Source Security and Risk Analysis”(OSSRA) report. Do you know what's in your code?

How to Spot Potential Spam Attempts and How You Can Handle Them

More often, spam emails are similar to an unwelcome houseguest who wouldn’t go away. Opening your inbox to discover it filled with unwanted messages is a common and frustrating experience for many. Some are merely annoying advertisements vying for attention, while others take a more sinister approach, aiming to extort individuals from scams or infect gadgets with viruses. Therefore, being alert and discerning while navigating the internet is essential for avoiding threats.

Hunting PrivateLoader: The malware behind InstallsKey PPI service

Since July 2022, Bitsight has been tracking PrivateLoader, the widespread malware downloader behind the Russian Pay-Per-Install (PPI) service called InstallsKey. At the time, this malware was powering the now decommissioned ruzki PPI service. Figure 1 presents a brief description of the service, which was found in their sales telegram channel. Fig. 1 - Service description on telegram channel profile (Russian and English).

A guide to insider threats in cyber security

With so many cyber security priorities to balance, it isn’t always easy to know where to start. The mistake that many organisations make is to view threats originating from outside as their sole focus. However, with insider threats proving a persistent presence, this can often be a very costly oversight. This guide seeks to provide clarity on the different types of insider threats you need to be aware of and the controls and processes you can put in place to defend against them.

Microsoft 365 Beginners Guide for IT Administrators

Since the outbreak of the global pandemic, demand for cloud SaaS has skyrocketed. For businesses looking for cloud productivity, communication, and collaboration, Microsoft 365 is a popular choice. This e-book contains all of the information about Microsoft 365 and serves as a guide for IT administrators who want to learn more about it. You'll learn more about creating an account, starting a new subscription, renewing an existing subscription, and the different editions available.

Backup & DR Planning Guide for Small & Medium Businesses

In the Backup & Disaster Recovery for SMBs- Concepts, Best Practices and Design Decisions ebook, we will take an in-depth look at considerations that need to be made when designing your disaster recovery strategy and we will define the concepts involved in doing that. What are the differences in RPO and RTO? Why is high availability not enough to protect your business-critical data? What is the difference between HA and DR?

The CISA Points Way Forward for More Effective Vulnerability Management with Directive 23-01

While tech sector media coverage on cybersecurity has primarily focused in recent years on trends such as ransomware attacks, vulnerabilities in the DevOps chain, and the growing role of AI in combating threats, a quiet but significant development has been advancing under the radar on several fronts: we refer to the more assertive stance taken by the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) to elevate security best practices in government and the private sector.

Unlocking the Power of Kubernetes Operators: 7 Reasons They're a Game-Changer

Organizations are increasingly relying on Kubernetes to orchestrate and manage their containerized applications. While Kubernetes offers a powerful framework for deploying and scaling applications, managing complex applications manually can be a daunting, error-prone, and lead to a multitude of security issues. One of the primary challenges lies in the sheer complexity of managing multiple components across a Kubernetes cluster.