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Disaster Recovery

Become The Master Of Disaster: Disaster Recovery Plan for DevOps

Ensuring business continuity requires more than just robust pipelines and agile practices in DevOps. A well-designed Disaster Recovery Plan is critical to mitigate risks, recover swiftly from failures, and ensure your data and infrastructure integrity. Contents hide 1 Are there any myths related to DR in DevOps?

Meeting DORA compliance made simple: BackupVault uses Acronis Advanced Disaster Recovery

Cyber resilience keeps taking center stage. One of Europe’s compliance regulations, the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA), is doubling down on financial organizations. Established in 2022, DORA was created to address critical gaps in EU financial institutions that elevate information and communication technology (ICT) risks. The new rules taking effect meant that businesses were up against the clock to satisfy DORA requirements.

Disaster Recovery Planning: Getting Started

As organizations face the imminent threat of an IT service outage or cyberattack, they often fail to step back and understand how well they've planned to deal with the crisis. According to recent research, we know that: Perhaps the most regrettable part of it all? Almost half (45%) of these organizations already acknowledge the inadequacy of their disaster recovery capabilities.
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The Role of Data Recovery in Cyber Resilience

Data Recovery is the key to achieving an effective cyber resilience strategy in the event of a cyber-attack to resume business operational resiliency. It empowers businesses to quickly recover their critical data, minimise downtime, and prevent against potential threats. Data recovery planning is crucial for business continuity, allowing organisations to seamlessly recover data and minimise the impact of an incident.

OpenShift Disaster Recovery: Ensuring Business Continuity

What happens if your critical OpenShift applications suddenly crash due to a major system failure or cyber attack? How fast could you bounce back and get things running again? Having a solid OpenShift disaster recovery plan isn’t just a nice-to-have — it’s essential for keeping your business going when the unexpected hits. This guide walks you through the key elements of building a strong disaster recovery setup for your OpenShift environment.

Microsoft Word's recent glitch deleted documents when saving them

Have your users spent hours working on a document in Microsoft Word, only to have it disappear when they try to save it? A recent bug in Microsoft Word, highlighted by Bleeping Computer, caused Word documents to be deleted instead of saved, leaving users frustrated. For IT administrators, it is vital to address these issues and educate users within the organization about best practices to reduce data loss and ensure business continuity.

High Availability vs. Disaster Recovery: Key Differences

Protecting your business-critical data and applications requires understanding two essential strategies: high availability and disaster recovery. While both aim to keep systems operational, they serve distinct purposes and operate on different timelines. This article explains these key differences, provides implementation best practices, and showcases advanced solutions that combine these crucial strategies.

The Essential Guide to Disaster Recovery (DR) and Business Continuity (BC)

The threat landscape is rapidly changing, and the businesses can’t play a waiting game when it comes to planning their data protection strategy. The stakes are getting bigger, and the attacks and security threats are a matter of when rather than if Today, downtime can cost millions to organizations and cyberattacks can bring operations to a halt and make businesses go bankrupt. Disaster recovery (DR) and business continuity (BC) have shifted from best practices to essential strategies.