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Announcing the 2022 State of Open Source Security report from Snyk and the Linux Foundation

Open source software is a key component in modern applications. It has created a new era in software development, promoting a free exchange of ideas within the developer community and enabling developers to build more functional software, faster than ever. Based on most estimates, 70-90% of any piece of modern software includes open source code.

What Are the Most Prevalent Flaws in Your Programming Language?

A few months ago, we released our 12th annual State of Software Security (SOSS) Report. In our announcement blog, we noted new application development trends (like increased use of microservices and open-source libraries), the positive impact that Veracode Security Labs has on time to remediate security flaws, and the increased use of multiple application security scan types. But what we have yet to dive into is the security flaws we found in different programming languages.

How To Identify and Stop a Phishing Attack

Phishing is a real problem. One that can wreak havoc on your digital and financial life. Here, we’ll look at different ways we can identify a phishing scam and stop it in its tracks. Phishing is the practice of sending emails (or other messages) with the intent to make the recipient believe it’s from a certain company or individual.

API attack types and mitigations

Stop, look, listen; lock, stock, and barrel; "Friends, Romans, Countrymen..." The 3 Little Pigs; Art has 3 primary colors; photography has the rule of thirds; the bands Rush and The Police; the movie The 3 Amigos. On and on it goes - "Omne trium perfectum" – “Everything that comes in threes is perfect.” While this article doesn’t provide perfection, we’ll focus on the top three API vulnerabilities (according to OWASP).

Top 10 Security Issues in Mobile App Development

As a mobile app developer, you must develop and release fully functional and safe applications. While you can manage the functionality quite comfortably, making the application secure and resilient to cyber-attacks is hard. So, what should you do? Well, we got you covered. This blog discusses the top 10 security issues developers encounter during mobile app development and the solutions.

Lookout Uncovers Hermit Spyware Deployed in Kazakhstan

Lookout Threat Lab researchers have uncovered enterprise-grade Android surveillanceware used by the government of Kazakhstan within its borders. While we’ve been following this threat for a while using Lookout Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) these latest samples were detected in April 2022, four months after nation-wide protests against government policies were violently suppressed.

How your Digital Onboarding process can benefit from AI-based Liveness Detection?

The National Crime Record Bureau (NCRB), in its report, recorded 50,035 cybercrime cases in 2020, and it is alarming to see that the numbers have surged exponentially ever since the pandemic. This opened the gates to remote onboarding and the use of facial recognition algorithms to distinguish users’ unique features, enhancing their onboarding experience. On the flip side, this has also given scamsters and fraudsters ample opportunities to manipulate and employ technologies for wrongful gains.

API security: 12 essential best practices to keep your data & APIs safe

If you don’t think API security is that important, think again. Last year, 91% of organizations had an API security incident. The proliferation of SOAP and REST APIs makes it easy for organizations to tailor their application ecosystems. But, APIs also hold the keys to all of a company’s data. And as data-centric projects become more in demand, it increases the likelihood of a target API attack campaign.