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How to Secure AWS Route 53 with Sysdig

Either through human error or intentionally, configuration changes in the cloud may suddenly increase your attack surface. AWS Route 53 is an example of a service that needs to be continuously tracked for risky changes. As the first line of defense of our cloud, it is necessary to secure Amazon Route 53 and monitor risky configuration changes to avoid unwanted surprises. As you probably know, AWS Route 53 is of course a very popular DNS service offered by AWS, with millions of top-level domains.

AWS Security Best Practices

Using security best practices helps businesses establish a security baseline and protect their AWS infrastructure from potential risks. By implementing these practices, companies can reduce the likelihood of data breaches, leaks, and other threats. Additionally, using security best practices can help businesses detect and respond to threats more quickly and effectively.

What is SaaS Application and How to Secure it?

Cloud technology is a booming sector in today’s digital world. The business environment is trying to make the most of it from cloud-based platforms. With pandemics striking the globe, cloud applications have come to rescue business operations from remote locations. It improves connectivity and accessibility irrespective of the location. However, every technology has its advantages as well as disadvantages.

China's New Mobile App Rules - Cybersecurity Updates 2022

The Chinese government took down over 2 million applications from Chinese app stores in just two years (2018-2020)! Now, the government has revised and published stricter cybersecurity updates or provisions for mobile app development, which will go into effect from August 1st, 2022. Why is this happening, and what does the new policy say? Also, how does it affect the developers within China? If you have these questions on your mind, this blog is for you.

Australia Recorded the Highest Rate of iOS & Android App Threats

Navigating the internet in 2022 is more dangerous than ever for Australian netizens. The risks to the privacy of Australian customers are at an all-time high, as the nation has reported the highest percentage of mobile threats globally, standing at 26.9%. The average Australian netizen uses web-based mobile apps to browse, entertain, communicate, and shop online.

Webinar: How an insecure mobile app can tarnish your company's reputation

About The Webinar: Today’s cybersecurity threat landscape is highly challenging. Attackers are constantly on the lookout to exploit security vulnerabilities in applications and systems to gain access to or control sensitive information and launch cyberattacks such as ransomware. With companies spreading sensitive data across different platforms, software as a service (SaaS) platforms, containers, service providers, and even various cloud platforms, it’s essential that they begin to take a more proactive approach to security.

IoT and the GDPR - How to stay compliant

Businesses that incorporate Internet of Things (IoT) into their daily operations have rarely, if ever, had access to so many resources to help improve your customer reach, collect more personal data and reduce your internal operational expenses due to IoT automation. IoT devices are ubiquitous, and as technology advances, so does the invention and use of connected devices within workplaces and our homes.

What is Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM)?

Businesses are moving their data to the cloud to reduce costs and increase their agility. As more applications and data migrate to the cloud, the risk of sensitive data and applications being exposed dramatically increases. In addition, as organizations deploy applications and services in different cloud environments, maintaining security and compliance across the board is becoming more complex than ever before.