Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Move On Up: Applying Zero Trust Design to the Office

Moving to a new home is listed as one of the main stressors in life. When organizations switch offices to accommodate business needs, moving can also be a major stressor for IT teams — but it doesn’t need to be. Not too long ago we moved our Boston office to a new location, one of our major engineering hubs, where many of our engineers and IT members work.

Secure cloud-native apps and APIs at the speed your business demands

Securing cloud-native apps require advanced tooling. Learn why Synopsys earned the highest score for the cloud-native app use case in Gartner’s latest report. The cloud-native development model entered the mainstream in the recent years, with technologies such as microservices and serverless computing, containers, APIs, and infrastructure-as-code (IaC) at the forefront of this trend.

How to meet 24 Google Cloud Platform (GCP) security best practices using open source

You’ve got a problem to solve and turned to Google Cloud Platform and follow GCP security best practices to build and host your solution. You create your account and are all set to brew some coffee and sit down at your workstation to architect, code, build, and deploy. Except… you aren’t. There are many knobs you must tweak and practices to put into action if you want your solution to be operative, secure, reliable, performant, and cost effective.

Cloud Insecurities - How to threat hunt in hybrid and multi cloud environments

Amidst a record number of workloads moving to the cloud – security teams must not only confront the cyber-skills shortage, but also a general lack of cloud expertise. Corelight and guest Forrester will share best practices for building threat detection, hunting, and incident response capabilities to the cloud and upskilling your existing SecOps team. Watch this on demand webcast to learn.

FBI Notice Underscores Cyberthreats Posed by Medical Devices and IoMT - Risk Management Can Help

On September 12, the FBI released a private industry notification entitled “Unpatched and Outdated Medical Devices Provide Cyber Attack Opportunities.” The notification underscores how a growing number of vulnerabilities in medical devices and Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) assets can be exploited by threat actors to “impact healthcare facilities’ operational functions, patient safety, data confidentiality and data integrity.”

Top Five Reasons To Use CloudCasa With Azure

CloudCasa by Catalogic announced the integration with Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) at KubeCon in Valencia and it has so far received positive feedback from customers. In this episode of TFiR Let’s Talk, Swapnil Bhartiya sits down with Sathya Sankaran, Founder and General Manager, CloudCasa by Catalogic and Sebastian Głąb, CloudCasa Architect, as they give a demo and explain the key reasons to use CloudCasa to protect AKS Applications.

Uber Data Breach 2022: What You Need to Know

The world of digital security has been under the spotlight for various reasons in the last year. Several high-profile incidents have directly impacted the general public, from cyber attacks to privacy scandals. Uber is the latest company to be caught up in this whirlwind after hackers managed to breach their security and steal sensitive user data from the ride-hailing service. This article provides an overview of what happened, what went wrong, and what you can do to keep your accounts safe.

Lookout Expands Partnership with Cloud Security Platform to deliver SSE to Verizon Business Customers

With nearly every organization going through rapid digital transformations, it has become critical that security teams are equipped to provide seamless access for their remote users while keeping sensitive data secure. This is why I’m thrilled that Verizon has launched the Lookout suite of cloud security solutions to deliver security service edge (SSE) and ensure that customers can seamlessly secure their data and apps in the cloud, on premises and on the internet.