Authentication as a baseline security control is essential for organizations to know who and what is accessing corporate resources and assets. The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) states that authentication is the process of verifying that a user’s identity is genuine.
Cloud computing has created the most profound shift in information technology in recent memory. Leveraging cloud technology, companies can build, deploy, and scale their applications faster than ever. But the adoption of cloud native tools and processes also brings new security challenges. Between complex cloud infrastructure and the expansion of cloud-based services, malicious actors have access to a bigger attack surface than they did even a few years ago.
One of the benefits of a secure access service edge (SASE) framework is that organizations can dramatically simplify the implementation of security services without having to go through constant network redesigns and appliance operating system updates.
Summer is almost over but we are bringing the heat back with the official release of Tigera’s new container security features. With this official launch, Calico leads the industry by offering a complete line of solutions across every stage of a cloud-native application CI/CD pipeline.
The cloud has a lot going for it, and one of the most significant advantages it has brought to the table is data storage. For businesses, this surplus of cheap and scalable cloud storage combined with the many new innovations in cloud computing has the potential to boost productivity, reduce expenses, and simplify operations. In the marketing industry, cloud computing already benefits companies of all sizes.