Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


The Evolving Landscape of LLM Security Threats: Staying Ahead of the Curve

The rapid advancements in large language models (LLMs) have revolutionized how we interact with technology, powering various applications for different use cases. As the adoption of LLM-powered solutions continues to grow, so does the emergence of new and evolving security threats that aim to exploit these robust AI systems.

Privacy vs. Mobile Security: Why You Don't Have to Choose

When it comes to how employees get work done, personal devices are an ever-growing part of the equation. The 2023 Lookout State of Remote Work Security Report found that 92% of remote workers have performed work tasks on their personal mobile devices. While putting security controls on employer-owned devices is a no-brainer, the increasing overlap of personal with professional means that organizations need to think about how to secure employee-owned devices that are being used for work.

Detect vulnerabilities in minutes with Agentless Scanning for Cloud Security Management

Security teams require complete visibility into their hosts, containers, and functions in order to detect, prioritize, and remediate their most pressing security risks. The Datadog Agent helps you achieve this visibility by collecting deep insights in your environment through logs, distributed traces, infrastructure metrics, and other key telemetry.

TrustCloud Product Updates: April 2024

You know us: Every month we’re cooking up something new! Here are the updates that hit TrustCloud this month. TrustShare GraphAI will answer questionnaires for you with accurate, high-quality responses. TrustShare is getting a huge AI glow up. GraphAI’s generative AI capabilities will now fill in answers that are more context aware, more natural, and more accurate than ever before.

Introducing the Wallarm Q1 2024 API ThreatStats Report

As we have in previous editions of the ThreatStats report, we highlight the industry’s top API-related attacks and trends. New to this version, however, is a detailed analysis of API attacks targeting AI-based applications, representing a new and rapidly expanding threat vector. And while we encourage you to download the full report, here are some key observations about what you’ll find within. API threats to AI applications are clearly on the rise.