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Netskope and Wiz Integration

In cloud security, staying ahead of potential threats is crucial. As organizations continue to embrace cloud technologies, ensuring robust security measures becomes increasingly complex. To address this challenge, Netskope is proud to announce our integration with Wiz, empowering users to proactively safeguard their resources across hyperscaler environments like never before. This collaboration enables customers to leverage real-time insights from Wiz's comprehensive cloud security platform directly within Netskope.

CrowdStrike Cloud Security Defines the Future of an Evolving Market

Today’s businesses are building their future in the cloud. They rely on cloud infrastructure and services to operate, develop new products and deliver greater value to their customers. The cloud is the catalyst for digital transformation among organizations of all sizes and industries. But while the cloud powers immeasurable speed, growth and innovation, it also presents risk.

Elastic and AWS deliver on AI-driven security analytics

Amazon Bedrock and Elastic’s Attack Discovery automate security analyst workflows As cyber threats grow increasingly sophisticated, the need for highly effective security measures becomes imperative. Traditional SIEMs aren’t equipped to address threats fast enough because they rely on too many manual and labor-intensive tasks. AI-driven security analytics from Elastic’s Search AI platform solves these challenges.

Succeeding at Cloud Vulnerability Management

Many organizations are migrating to cloud infrastructures. The cloud presents new levels of flexibility and scalability in the way organizations operate. But as with any new opportunity, it also creates new forms of risk. How can organizations succeed at identifying and remediating these security risks?

Tracking CVE-2024-2876: Why does the latest WordPress exploit compromise over 90,000 websites?

A highly concerning security loophole was recently discovered in a WordPress plugin called "Email Subscribers by Icegram Express," a popular tool utilized by a vast network of over 90,000+ websites. Officially designated as CVE-2024-2876 with a CVSS score of 9.8 (critical), the vulnerability represents a significant threat as it exposes numerous websites to potential attacks.

How AI Voice Assistants Transform Restaurant Profitability

The restaurant industry is undergoing a digital transformation, driven by the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. At the forefront of this revolution are AI voice assistants, poised to revolutionize customer service, streamline operations, and unlock unprecedented profitability.

Critical OWASP Mobile Top 10 2024 Vulnerabilities [+Mobile App Pen-testing Checklists]

Get Android & iOS App Penetration Testing Checklists with OWASP Mobile Top 10 Securing mobile applications poses distinct challenges compared to websites. Mobile apps require specialized attention with risks ranging from secure data transfer to device-specific vulnerabilities. Businesses need the right resources and guidance to protect their mobile applications. The OWASP Mobile Top 10 is a good starting point as it outlines the risks and provides actionable tips for mitigating risks.

5 Cybersecurity Lessons We Can Learn from Star Wars

A long time ago in a movie theater far, far away, a little film by the name of “Star Wars” took the world by storm and changed the course of sci-fi, cinema, and pop culture for decades to come. But believe it or not, this intergalactic tale of droids and lightsaber duels can actually teach us a lot about the importance of cybersecurity. As it turns out, if the bad guys had been a little more security-savvy, the film might have ended quite differently.