Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


5 Key Security Challenges Facing Critical National Infrastructure (CNI)

Digital threats confronting Critical National Infrastructure (CNI) are on the rise. That’s because attackers are increasingly going after the Operational Technology (OT) and Industrial Control Systems (ICS) that shareholders use to protect these assets.

Maximize Card Profitability and Sleigh Payment Fraud Attacks with Transaction Intelligence

It’s a busy season for card issuers, card networks and payment service providers. Transaction and purchase volumes are rising across mobile and online channels — with Black Friday and Cyber Monday e-commerce sales up 15% from last year. Despite this holiday season’s resilient e-commerce sales, organizations must continue to find ways to maximize transactions and card profitability in the face of reduced in-store purchase volumes, interest margins, fees and interchange revenues.

Detection and Investigation Using Devo: SUNBURST IOC & Detection Queries

On December 8, 2020, cybersecurity company FireEye announced in a blog post that it had been attacked by what CEO Kevin Mandia described as a “highly sophisticated threat actor” that “targeted and accessed certain Red Team assessment tools that we use to test our customers’ security. These tools mimic the behavior of many cyber threat actors and enable FireEye to provide essential diagnostic security services to our customers.”

How to cyber security: Software security is everyone's responsibility

The burden of software security often falls solely on security teams, but to be successful, organizations need to make security a team effort. Remember group projects in school? Teachers love them because they have less grading to do; in a class of 25 students, they might only need to look at 5 projects. For team members, team projects can be difficult, usually when individual motivation levels don’t match up.

Red Team Tools Detection and Alerting

The FireEye breach on Dec 8, 2020, was executed by a “nation with top-tier offensive capabilities.” These hackers got a hold of FireEye’s own toolkit, which they can use to mount new attacks globally. What does this mean for you? Mandiant is a leading Red Team/Penetration Testing company with a highly sophisticated toolkit, called the "Red Team tools." These are digital tools that replicate some of the best hacking tools in the world.

Securing a distributed workspace: A cybersecurity checklist for long-term remote work

One of the lasting changes brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic is that it forced organizations to rethink the concept of a workspace. As remote work became inevitable, IT teams had to enable the secure transition to remote work almost overnight. Opening up offices, on the contrary, will likely be executed in planned phases. A United States Department of State advisory recommends that workforces return to an office in three phases, with the employees most at risk coming in at a later stage.

Why application-layer encryption is essential for securing confidential data

Your business is growing at a steady rate, and you have big plans for the future. Then, your organization gets hit by a cyberattack, causing a massive data breach. Suddenly, your company’s focus is shifted to sending out letters to angry customers informing them of the incident - which is required by law in most states - and devising strategies to deal with the backlash.

Brexit and Data Protection | UK GDPR Law

With recent legal developments taking into account data privacy, it shows the importance of protection of individuals personal information for businesses. The UK left the EU on 31st January 2020. The current transition period ends on 31st December 2020, DPA 2018 takes centre stage with all matters of data privacy. Let’s dive into the beef first and then related GDPR, DPA information including the basics and gdpr vs dpa.

What is Styra Declarative Authorization Service?

Whether you’re a developer or an IT professional (or a bit of both!), enforcing and managing authorization policies for the new containerized world is a whole different ball game than it was before. There’s the complex nature of modern applications — composed of multiple microservices, housed in containers — and then there’s the dynamic nature of platforms like Kubernetes, running those applications.

Secure Your Cloud Transformation with Continuous Intelligence

CrowdStrike and Sumo Logic work together to identify security threats and defend against IOCs in a hybrid environment. Customers gain knowledge on adversaries which may be targeting their assets and organisation via strategic, operational and technical reporting and alerts. During this session, we’ll hear from Australian private health provider, NIB, on how Sumo Logic and CrowdStrike have worked together to help NIB secure its digital transformation and cloud environment.