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Splunk SOAR Playbooks: Finding and Disabling Inactive Users on AWS

Every organization that uses AWS has a set of user accounts that grant access to resources and data. The Identity and Access Management (IAM) service is the part of AWS that keeps track of all the users, groups, roles and policies that provide that access. Because it controls permissions for all other services, IAM is probably the single most important service in AWS to focus on from a security perspective.

UPDATE 6: The Data Privacy Periodic Table

Once again, to mark Data Privacy Day (or Data Protection Day in Europe), we have released a new update to the Data Privacy Periodic Table – our industry-renowned open project to create a regularly-updated digestible guide to the confusing world of data privacy. You can download the latest version of The Data Privacy Periodic Table, here. This is its sixth update, and roughly three and a half years after its launch in September 2018, what have we learned?

The Data Privacy 'To Do List' for the new US administration

A new administration in the most influential economy in the world triggers news hopes and expectations in every industry. But if major change were to be on the agenda, what would be the most beneficial, transformative, impactful or prudent new data privacy initiatives that the new US administration ought to introduce? Here’s my top three: The obvious – and trickiest – first area for the new administration is a federal privacy law.

Everything You Need to Know About Web Socket Pentesting

WebSockets is a bi-directional, full-duplex communications protocol initiated over HTTP. They are commonly used in modern web applications for streaming data, Chat applications, and other asynchronous traffic. It is a protocol where the client and server can send the messages simultaneously over the channel.

Styra: 2020 Year in Review

I think we can all agree that 2020 was a year like no other. For enterprises, we’ve had to transition to a fully digital and cloud-first business, whether it was our workspace, security, technology, culture, or (and in most cases) all of the above. Thankfully at Styra, we’re lucky to have such a great team, community, and customer base that helped us not only navigate 2020, but make it a success.

Securing Cloud Native Applications at Scale.

Cloud-native architecture is improving time to capability at reduced cost for the enterprise.However, as your organisation transfers workloads to container, Kubernetes and serverless environments, a unified development and deployment approach requires increased involvement of the cybersecurity team.Join Mathias Conradt, Senior Solutions Engineer at Snyk, to learn how DevSecOps is being used to secure cloud-native applications.

Secure RBAC / SSO for Kubernetes with Teleport OSS and Github Teams

The promise of elastic scale and cloud native has driven the demand for K8s, but developers now have the harder task of building applications in a secure manner. This talk will focus on best practices and potential pitfalls for securing K8s for the engineering team by using the K8s API server and control plane. Join us for a how-to on implementing a robust Role Based Access Control (RBAC) tied into the corporate SSO/Identity provider using Github Teams and open source software.

SEGA Europe and Sumo Logic: Integrating security across clouds

At Illuminate 2020, Kashif Iqbal, Head of Corporate Technology and Cyber Security at SEGA Europe, shared their data security challenges and how they currently leverage Sumo Logic for their security needs. Kashif spoke about the four main benefits their security team have experienced since switching to Sumo Logic.