Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


A Comprehensive Approach to IT Vulnerability Management | Sedara Cyber Talks

In this insightful session, David Frier shares a comprehensive approach to IT vulnerability management, offering strategies to go beyond basic vulnerability identification. Learn how to enhance, risk-rank, and prioritize vulnerabilities for optimal remediation efforts.

Unlocking the Power of Splunk's Data Management and Federation Capabilities

IT environments are more complex than ever, with data scattered across multiple sources. Splunk’s data management and federation capabilities provide efficient, cost-effective ways to control, shape, and access data in real-time. Ensure visibility, security, and compliance while optimizing costs. Manage your data at scale and access it wherever it resides with Splunk’s flexible tools.

The Top Exploited Vulnerabilities of 2023 - The 443 Podcast - Episode 313

This week on the podcast, we review CISA's most recent report on the top routinely exploited vulnerabilities from the last year. Before that, we cover North Korea's latest malware evasion testing followed by a report on a different evasion technique that abuses concatenated ZIP archives. The 443 Security Simplified is a weekly podcast that gets inside the minds of leading white-hat hackers and security researchers, covering the latest cybersecurity headlines and trends.

A New Era In Human Risk Management:Introducing KnowBe4 HRM+

Introducing HRM+, KnowBe4’s groundbreaking human risk management platform. Built as a comprehensive AI-driven ‘best-of-suite’ platform for Human Risk Management, HRM+ creates an adaptive defense layer against the latest cybersecurity threats. The HRM+ platform includes modules for awareness & compliance training, cloud email security, real-time coaching, crowdsourced anti-phishing, AI Defense Agents, and more. HRM+ tackles the complex human-element cybersecurity challenges of the modern world.