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The 443 Podcast - Episode 250 - New Microsoft Office 0-Day

This week on the podcast we cover two stories that came out of Microsoft's July Patch Tuesday. The first involves an incident within Microsoft that lead to foreign cybercriminals compromising the email accounts of multiple government agencies. The second story involves an actively exploited 0-day vulnerability in Office that at the time of recording, remains unpatched.

Undecrypting the cybersecurity alphabet soup: MDR vs. XDR

XDR and MDR are cybersecurity solutions to enhance an organization's threat identification and response capabilities. While both solutions target the same objective, they employ different approaches. MDR strengthens an organization's internal security team with external expertise, whereas XDR streamlines security architecture through a centralized dashboard and automation of tedious tasks.

Keep Identity Real with MFA and Strong Credentials

Would you bet your business on the strength of every employee’s password? If you haven’t deployed business-grade MFA and credentials management throughout your organization, you are probably on the losing end of that bet. Here’s why: Despite the challenges, passwords are not going anywhere any time soon.

What is the difference between traditional antivirus and EDR?

The multiplicity of devices and the need to access network resources from anywhere has blurred the traditional security perimeter and extended it beyond the office, making endpoint security an essential pillar of a company's cybersecurity strategy. Both antivirus (AV) and endpoint detection and response (EDR) solutions are designed to secure devices. However, these solutions provide very different levels of protection.

3 tips on how to adapt your company to the new PCI DSS security standard

Digital transformation has changed the way people make purchases. The growth of ecommerce has led to credit cards becoming one of the most widely used payment methods, but mismanagement could jeopardize the integrity and security of company and customer data.