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Cryptocurrency trading bots: Strengthening Cybersecurity and minimizing risks

A staggering $1.9 billion in cryptocurrency was stolen by criminals in 2020, a recent report by Finaria reveals. Fortunately, despite the growth of the crypto market, crypto crime has decreased by 57% since 2019, dropping to $1.9 billion. The widespread recent implementation of stronger security measures also means crypto-criminals stole 160% more in value in 2019 than in 2020, despite the similar number of crimes.

5 Ways Your Cryptocurrency May be Hacked

Over time technologies evolved and now things that seemed to be not possible several years ago become the reality. Now you can order food, services, and basically anything you need online, and pay for it without leaving home. No surprise here, that cash payments are becoming a relic of the past. Along with wireless payments like Google or Apple pay (that still require assigning a banking account or card i.e. physical currency), the cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are getting widely used.

Phishing for Lumens: A Stellar Stealing Campaign

With many financially-motivated threat actors targeting cryptocurrency, it comes as no surprise that users of 'Stellar', an opensource blockchain payment network, have recently been targeted in a somewhat convincing attack in an attempt to steal their holdings of Lumen (XLM), an 'altcoin' cryptocurrency.

Fuzzing Bitcoin with the Defensics SDK, part 2: Fuzz the Bitcoin protocol

In part two of this series, learn how to create a data model for the Bitcoin network protocol and use the Defensics SDK to perform fuzzing on bitcoind. In the previous article, you saw how to set up a test bed for bitcoind. We created two containers, fleur and viktor, and set up communication between the two bitcoind instances. In this article, learn how to create a data model for the Bitcoin network protocol, and then use this model in the Defensics® SDK to perform fuzzing on bitcoind.

Fuzzing Bitcoin with the Defensics SDK, part 1: Create your network

This is the first part of a two-part advanced technical tutorial that describes how you can use the Defensics SDK to set up your own Bitcoin network. This is the first of two articles that describe how to use the Defensics® software development kit (SDK) to fuzz Bitcoin software. Specifically, you’ll learn how to model one of the Bitcoin network protocol messages and use the Defensics SDK to perform fuzzing on the bitcoind process.

Cryptocurrency exchange Eterbase hacked, $5.4 million worth of funds stolen

European cryptocurrency exchange platform Eterbase has announced that it has suffered a security breach which saw malicious hackers access its network and steal funds worth US $5.4 million. In a message posted on Telegram, the Slovakian cryptocurrency exchange listed the six hot wallets plundered by cybercriminals for their Ether, Tezos, Bitcoin, ALGO, Ripple, and TRON riches.

Security concerns and solutions regarding blockchain use in healthcare

The healthcare industry is transforming with the integration of ground-breaking technologies capable of storing patient records electronically. The shift to the digitization of systems makes a variety of healthcare solutions possible that never could have been imagined — but it also puts healthcare data at risk to hackers and cyber attacks. In answer to this problem, blockchain technologies are emerging as a viable option for the storage and updating of electronic health records (EHRs).

Why Blockchain Needs Kubernetes

In under five years time, Kubernetes has become the default method for deploying and managing cloud applications, a remarkably fast adoption rate for any enterprise technology. Amongst other things, Kubernetes’s power lies in its ability to map compute resources to the needs of services in the current infrastructure paradigm. But how does this tool work when faced with the new infrastructure layer that is blockchain? Can the two technologies be used in conjunction?