Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Incident Response Services: Mitigate Damage and Recover from Cyber Attacks Quickly

In this digital era, businesses are more likely to be attacked online by scams like phishing and viruses like ransomware. When a breach happens, it's important to respond quickly and effectively to limit the damage, keep the business running, and protect private data. Specialized cybersecurity companies offer incident response services that give businesses the knowledge and tools they need to handle security incidents quickly and effectively.

Configure ASP.NET Core SAML Single Sign-On (SSO) with Auth0

In this video, We will explore how to configure Single Sign-On (SSO) into your ASP.NET Core Applications using Auth0 as an identity provider. Experience a new level of convenience and security with our ASP.NET Core SAML Single Sign-On(SSO) plugin. Say goodbye to managing multiple credentials – our SSO solution ensures that all Auth0 users can securely access your ASP.NET Core -Based applications with a single set of login credentials.

Configure ASP.NET Core SAML Single Sign-On (SSO) with Okta

In this video, we will explore how to configure Single Sign-On (SSO) into your ASP.NET Core Applications using Okta as an identity provider. Experience a new level of convenience and security with our ASP.NET Core SAML Single Sign-On(SSO) plugin. Say goodbye to managing multiple credentials – our SSO solution ensures that all Okta users can securely access your ASP.NET Core -Based applications with a single set of login credentials.

Configure ASP.NET Core SAML Single Sign-On (SSO) with PingFederate

In this video, We will explore how to configure Single Sign-On (SSO) into your ASP.NET Core Applications using PingFederate as an identity provider. Experience a new level of convenience and security with our ASP.NET Core SAML Single Sign-On(SSO) plugin. Say goodbye to managing multiple credentials – our SSO solution ensures that all PingFederate users can securely access your ASP.NET Core -Based applications with a single set of login credentials.

Understanding Risk Management in Trading for Newcomers

Risk management is a crucial pillar of successful trading, especially for newcomers navigating the often volatile financial markets. At its core, risk management involves identifying, assessing, and prioritizing risks to minimize potential losses. New traders should start by determining their risk tolerance - an understanding of how much they can afford to lose without jeopardizing their financial stability. Keeping a crypto trading diary can also help in tracking decisions and outcomes, which is essential for improving one's approach to risk management.

Passwork: The ultimate self-hosted solution for password management

In the current cybersecurity landscape, protecting sensitive information is more crucial than ever. Password managers have become an essential tool for businesses to manage credentials securely and efficiently. With numerous options on the market, finding the right password manager can be overwhelming, especially for companies seeking full control over their data. Enter Passwork-a self hosting password manager designed specifically for businesses.