Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Online payment security: 8 Steps to ensure safe transactions

Online shopping has become an increasingly popular trend in the past few years as people find it more convenient to buy from the comfort of their homes. You can get pretty much anything and everything from online stores: groceries, clothing, jewelry, electronics and other household items. Yet, we need to consider for a moment if all these online financial transactions taking place are safe – and how can we ensure our protection from online frauds such as identity theft and phishing attacks.

IT security: Keep calm and monitor PowerShell

In our last release of the PowerShell security series, we talked about how PowerShell could be leveraged by malicious actors to gain unprecedented access to your organization’s critical assets. From enumerating sensitive domain information and carrying out credential-based attacks to running malicious executables in memory (file-less malware), we shined a light on the potential of PowerShell and why it’s an ideal weapon for cyber attackers today.

Securing IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS in 2020 with a Cloud SIEM

As the cloud continues to expand with no end in sight, it’s only wise to invest in it. Infrastructure-as-a-Service, Platform-as-a-Service and Software-as-a-Service bring significant cost savings (personnel and ownership), improved performance, better reliability, freedom to scale and - above all - significant security benefits. It’s no wonder that so many businesses have already adopted all three of these models.

Using BPF to Transform SSH Sessions into Structured Events

Teleport 4.2 introduced a new feature called Enhanced Session Recording that takes an unstructured SSH session and outputs a stream of structured events. It’s the next step in Teleport’s evolution that uses new technology (eBPF or now simply known as BPF) to close some gaps in Teleport’s audit abilities. Below you can see an illustration of this feature and if you keep reading, we’ll get into some of the technical details.

Kubernetes Access Controls with Calico Enterprise - How to apply egress access controls

No matter where you are in your Kubernetes journey, eventually you’ll have to connect your k8s cluster to external resources like databases, cloud services, and third-party APIs. A majority of existing workloads are non-Kubernetes, and at some point, your Kubernetes applications will need to communicate with them.

Gehaxelt - How Wordpress Plugins Leak Sensitive Information Without You Noticing

Sebastian Neef (@gehaxelt) is a IT security freelancer and a top contributor from the Detectify Crowdsource community. In this guest blog, he looks at ways WordPress plugins leak sensitive data in the wild: The OWASP Top 10 puts Sensitive Data Exposure on the 3rd place of the most common web security issues. In this blog post we will have a look at sensitive data exposure that you might not be aware of.

A New Integration between Sumo Logic and ARIA Cybersecurity Solutions

When thinking about many of the worst data breaches we’ve seen so far (Equifax, CapitalOne, Target, Home Depot, and more), there was one common element: The attacks were not detected while they were active on the internal networks. It’s easy to think of the internal network as what’s onsite and directly in control. However, an organizations internal network also includes what extends beyond what’s on-premises, like instances within the public cloud and off-site hosted data centers.