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Mastering Your 2024 Endpoint Security Strategy

In IT, endpoints are the physical devices that connect to a network system. In a corporate environment, endpoints include mobile devices, desktop computers, laptops, servers, and other equipment employees use to access the network and other critical digital systems. A company with fewer than 50 employees typically averages around 22 endpoints, 50-100 employees average more than 100, and companies with more than 1,000 employees average nearly 2,000.

Threat Context Monthly: Executive intelligence briefing for May 2024

UAT4356 is a state-sponsored threat actor that targets perimeter network devices in government networks globally with a clear focus on espionage. Their first activity can be traced back to November 2023, although researchers found evidence that the group was testing its capabilities as early as July 2023. So far, the initial attack vector used by the group has not been able to be determined.

Understanding Your Network's Security Posture: Vulnerability Scans, Penetration Tests, and Beyond

Organizations of all sizes need to be proactive in identifying and mitigating vulnerabilities in their networks. To help organizations better understand the value and process of a vulnerability scan, Trustwave’s Philip Pieterse, Managing Consultant for the Americas division of SpiderLabs and Dhervesh Singh, senior Security Consultant with SpiderLabs conducted a webinar exploring key offensive security testing methodologies: vulnerability scanning, penetration testing, and purple teaming.

Ubuntu 24.04 is Here! Protect your Linux workloads with BDRSuite

Linux recently released Ubuntu 24.04, both Desktop and Server. They bring a lot of new features and enhancements but still require proper protection against failure. First, that includes a proper configuration and then a backup and recovery strategy. Regardless of where Ubuntu 24.04 is installed, Hyper-V, VMware, Proxmox, or bare metal, you must protect it against failure.

Navigating GitLab Security: Recent Vulnerabilities (CVE-2024-4835) and Protective Measures

Foresiet, your go-to cybersecurity ally, is here to illuminate recent security updates from GitLab and offer essential guidance to ensure your digital defenses remain resilient against emerging threats. GitLab's Critical Vulnerability Patch and Security Updates.

Evolving Detection Engineering Capabilities with Breach & Attack Simulation (BAS)

Threat actors are constantly updating their tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs). In response, security teams must also continue to evolve their ability to detect the latest threats to avoid exploitation of security gaps that can result in costly breaches. This process, called detection engineering, refers to the method of fine-tuning security technologies to better detect malicious activity.

PCI DSS For Small Business

In an era where digital transactions reign supreme, ensuring the security of payment card data is paramount for businesses. This is where the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) comes into play, serving as a crucial framework for safeguarding sensitive information and protecting both businesses and consumers from the ever-present threat of cybercrime. While it is generally associated with large businesses, it is equally important for smaller ones as well.

Effective Disaster Recovery Testing: Technical Guide

The distributed and complex nature of Kubernetes applications empowers agility and scalability but also presents unique challenges when it comes to disaster recovery (DR). Handling the interplay of containers, microservices, and persistent volumes requires a robust and well-tested DR plan to ensure business continuity in the face of unexpected disruptions. A poorly tested or inadequate disaster recovery testing strategy can lead to prolonged downtime, data loss, and significant financial setbacks.

As Many as 1 in 7 Emails Make it Past Your Email Filters

Fluctuations in consecutive quarterly reports demonstrates that organizations should be worried that their cyber defenses may not be strong enough to stop phishing attacks. I wrote an article back in April of last year about how 1 in 8 emails make it to a user’s Inbox. That number has remained relatively consistent — so much that even the Threat Insights Report for Q1 2024 from HP Wolf Security shows that stat is still accurate. But then there’s the Threat Insights Report for Q4 2023.

Securing Student Data: TPRM for University Healthcare and Counseling

Universities are increasing their reliance on third-party providers for various services, such as electronic health records, telehealth platforms, insurance billing, and mental health support. While these partnerships enhance business operations and save valuable time, they also introduce significant cybersecurity risks.