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Protegrity Helps AWS Customers Attain Compliance for Data Security

A large solutions and services company facing strict compliance regulations and enforcements needed a powerful, scalable enterprise data protection solution for their data being migrated over to S3, Athena, Amazon Redshift, and Glue environments. The sensitive data included HR, Financial and customer information. Using Protegrity’s field-level data protection, the company overcame this challenge, significantly improving their processes.

Enhancing Data Security in the Wake of Recent High-Profile Breaches

Recent high-profile breaches at Ticketmaster and Santander, attributed to the ShinyHunters group, have brought the critical need for robust data protection measures to the forefront. ShinyHunters, a notorious cybercriminal group known for stealing data from various organizations for financial gain, has demonstrated how vulnerabilities in third-party platforms can lead to significant data breaches.

How to Create a Vendor Risk Management Process

Modern business operations have become synonymous with outsourcing to vendors, as essentially every business relies on at least a few third-party partnerships to improve efficiency and enhance capabilities. However, these partnerships also present various cybersecurity risks that can negatively impact an organization’s performance, reputation, and compliance with industry regulations and standards. To mitigate these risks, organizations must develop a robust Vendor Risk Management (VRM) process.

Tanium Plays Critical Role in Supporting AstraZeneca's Mission to Deliver Life-Changing Medicines

Tanium shares the success story of customer and global pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca in securing over 125,000 endpoints across 125 countries using the Tanium XEM platform. The company consolidated multiple endpoint-management tools to improve agility, efficiency, and visibility across company functions, minimising the risk of a cyber-attack. This allows AstraZeneca leaders and scientists to prioritise their mission to focus on the patient and optimise their results.

Follow the Crypto Part 1: Why Fraud Teams Should Investigate Crypto Transactions

Nowadays, cryptocurrency is a buzzword in society. It’s mostly seen as a high-risk investment or associated with fast profit-making schemes. Despite this, its adoption has surged in recent years, and according to, the number of cryptocurrency holders has now hit 580 million. Unfortunately, not all of them hold it for legitimate reasons. We are at a juncture where criminals have the knowledge, services, and tools to channel their illicit profits through cryptocurrencies.

The Kubernetes gap in CNAPP - exploring why many CNAPPs have a Kubernetes gap

A guest post by James Berthoty, founder of Latio. CSPMs and CNAPP have a major gap, and unfortunately, it drives the majority of your cloud that actually matters (Kubernetes). To be frank, most CNAPPs were created around two things: Even the early players in the space who recognized the value of containerization found themselves too ahead of the market to support the giant funding opportunities present from their competition, who were focused on easily scanning every cloud workload that could exist.