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BDRSuite Awarded G2 High Performer and Momentum Leader Badges in Summer 2024

The Summer 2024 G2 Report have been released, and BDRSuite is proud to announce that we received 17 badges! BDRSuite also achieved a remarkable 4.3-star rating on G2. This exceptional rating reflects the satisfaction of our users across various categories, including ease of use, quality of support, ease of admin, and setup.

CVE-2024-6385: Critical Unauthorized Pipeline Job Vulnerability in GitLab

On July 10, 2024, GitLab issued an advisory regarding a critical vulnerability (CVE-2024-6385) in GitLab CE/EE that had been reported to them through a bug bounty program. This vulnerability allows a threat actor to trigger a GitLab pipeline as another user under certain circumstances. A GitLab pipeline is a collection of automated processes that run in stages to build, test, and deploy code.

Can US Organizations Share or Release CUI to Foreign Entities?

Working as a contractor for the federal government means complying with a wide range of rules. Some of these are large, obvious, and well-enforced, like the security frameworks we so often discuss here on the Ignyte blog. Others are small rules, scattered throughout disparate memos and resources, and it can sometimes be easy to forget them – or not even know them at all. And, of course, it doesn’t help matters that these rules can change from time to time.

Improving India's Cyber Defenses: Maharashtra's Cyber Security Project

In an era when digital transformation is reshaping economies and societies, the threat of cybercrime has become a significant concern. India, with its growing digital ecosystem, is particularly vulnerable to a wide range of cyber threats. In response to these challenges, the state of Maharashtra launched an ambitious initiative - the Maharashtra Cyber Security Project.

India's Blueprint for Cyber Safety: The National Security Policy 2013

India's National Cyber Security Policy 2013 is a comprehensive framework designed to fortify the nation's cyber infrastructure and safeguard its digital frontiers. The policy aims to address the complexities of cyber threats and enhance cyberspace's security and resilience through various key components and targeted strategies.

Top Reasons For Risk Management In Software Engineering

Want to be proactive and mitigate risks? Have your source code backed up… Try backups for DevOps tools. In software engineering, by risks we mean events or factors that pose a possibility to impact the outcome of a project. These risks can be both internal and external. Managing them involves: detecting, assessing, and dealing with vulnerabilities that could affect the project.

What are Risk Engines, and How to Make Sure They Work Well

Risk management has always been a central part of business, especially for financial institutions. From bank loan underwriting to insurance premium calculations and payment risk assessment, comprehensive risk management methodologies are vital to any business that deals with high-trust user actions. In particular, risk management is crucial to combating fraud – a huge global problem, the broad economic impact of which is clear.

Protect Your Business from Being Cryptojacked!

Cryptojacking is rapidly emerging as the most popular type of attack on cloud native applications and infrastructure. Care to guess how many cryptojacking attacks were recording in 2023? As a reference point, in the year before (2022), there were 139M cryptojacking attacks. However, this number jumped 659% the following year (2023) to 1.06B! That averages nearly 3M cryptojacking attacks every day, on average.

FDA's cybersecurity requirements for medical devices and when to comply with them

The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is a federal agency within the Department of Health and Human Services. The FDA is responsible for protecting and promoting public health through the control and supervision of medications, vaccines, biopharmaceuticals, medical devices, and other types of products. To ensure the safety and security of medical devices, the FDA supports a variety of standards and guidelines that medical device manufacturers are highly recommended to follow.

Unlocking the potential of machine identities: A Glimpse into One Identity's Unified Identity Platform future

Machine identities are growing faster than human identities, with a growth rate of 10 to 45 times higher. This complexity is compounded as more organizations adopt multi-cloud and hybrid strategies, a trend forecasted to continue through 2024. There’s also the rise in endpoints, as more machines become IoT-connected, leading to widening attack surfaces.