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Application Security report: 2024 update

Over the last twelve months, the Internet security landscape has changed dramatically. Geopolitical uncertainty, coupled with an active 2024 voting season in many countries across the world, has led to a substantial increase in malicious traffic activity across the Internet. In this report, we take a look at Cloudflare’s perspective on Internet application security. This report is the fourth edition of our Application Security Report and is an official update to our Q2 2023 report.

CrowdStrike Named a Customers' Choice in 2024 Gartner Voice of the Customer for Endpoint Protection Platform Report

The endpoint combines both opportunity and risk for most organizations. While an essential hub for modern business operations and the tools employees use, it also is the primary attack surface for today’s adversaries: Nearly 90% of successful cyberattacks start at the endpoint.1 An endpoint protection platform (EPP) is the essential foundation to a strong cybersecurity strategy.

Phishing Attacks Against State and Local Governments Are Surging

Researchers at Abnormal Security have observed a 360% increase in phishing attacks against state and local government entities over the past year. The researchers write, “While phishing tends to consistently increase each year and regularly accounts for the majority of advanced threats, this level of growth is extraordinary.” Threat actors often use phishing to gain a foothold within an organization before launching more follow-on attacks.

Massive Fraud Campaign Uses 700+ Domains to Scam Olympic Games Ticket Buyers

A large-scale fraud operation, dubbed "Ticket Heist," is exploiting over 700 domain names to sell fake tickets for the upcoming Summer Olympics in Paris. This campaign, which appears to predominantly target Russian-speaking users, extends beyond the Olympics to other major sports and music events, posing a significant risk to potential ticket buyers. Details of the Ticket Heist Campaign.

GitLab Patches Critical Vulnerability Allowing Unauthorized Pipeline Jobs

GitLab has released a new series of updates to address critical security flaws in its software development platform. Among these, a severe vulnerability tracked as CVE-2024-6385 has been identified, allowing attackers to run pipeline jobs as arbitrary users. This blog will detail the nature of these vulnerabilities, their impact, and the steps GitLab has taken to mitigate them. Critical Vulnerability: CVE-2024-6385.

Augmented Reality and Privacy: What You Need to Know

Sometimes, we need to escape the reality of the real world and detach from reality. In this world centered around technology, fewer people are relaxing by candlelight with a good book, and more are choosing to substitute the physical world by bringing in elements from augmented reality. Unfortunately, the privacy issues we face in the real world from companies are still present in augmented reality.

Ransomware Attacks on Healthcare Is Costing Lives

Ransomware is more prolific and expensive than ever. Depending on the source you read, the average or median ransomware payment was at least several hundred thousand dollars to well over several million in 2023. Marsh, a leader in cybersecurity insurance, wrote that its customers paid an average of $6.5 million in ransom in 2023 (after just paying an average of $1.4 million in 2023).

18 Types of Employee Fraud & How To Prevent Them

Employee fraud is not just a rare occurrence, but a prevalent issue in the American workplace. Shockingly, three out of four employees have confessed to stealing from their workplace at least once for personal gain. The types of fraud are diverse, ranging from petty theft to complex schemes involving benefits, accounts receivable fraud, or intellectual property. The risk of employee fraud affects both small and large businesses.

CRYSTALRAY: Inside the Operations of a Rising Threat Actor Exploiting OSS Tools

The Sysdig Threat Research Team (TRT) continued observation of the SSH-Snake threat actor we first identified in February 2024. New discoveries showed that the threat actor behind the initial attack expanded its operations greatly, justifying an identifier to further track and report on the actor and campaigns: CRYSTALRAY. This actor previously leveraged the SSH-Snake open source software (OSS) penetration testing tool during a campaign exploiting Confluence vulnerabilities.

What 'Passwordless' Really Means for Privileged Access Management

Privileged access management (PAM) programs aim to secure the highest-risk access in an organization, including using privileged credentials like passwords, SSH keys and application secrets. So, how can PAM and identity security teams prepare for a passwordless future? The answer lies in a deeper examination of what ‘passwordless’ really means and how PAM programs are modernizing to protect new identities and environments.