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Protect Your Business from Being Cryptojacked!

Cryptojacking is rapidly emerging as the most popular type of attack on cloud native applications and infrastructure. Care to guess how many cryptojacking attacks were recording in 2023? As a reference point, in the year before (2022), there were 139M cryptojacking attacks. However, this number jumped 659% the following year (2023) to 1.06B! That averages nearly 3M cryptojacking attacks every day, on average.

Dependency Management: Protecting Your Code

Managing dependencies isn’t always easy, but it’s critical for protecting your code. In this guide, we’ll explore what dependencies are and how they can be checked for known vulnerabilities, compatibility, licensing requirements, and more. We’ll then learn that dependency checks should be part of a dependency management strategy to keep applications up to date and reduce security risks and technical debt.

How to secure an S3 bucket on AWS?

Amazon Web Services (AWS) Simple Storage Service (S3) has become a cornerstone in the world of cloud storage. It offers scalability, high availability, and performance, making it a go-to choice for businesses of all sizes. However, as with any cloud service, security is paramount. This is where the question of "how to secure an S3 bucket" comes into play. Securing your S3 buckets is not just about protecting your data from unauthorized access.

Why Dynamic Data Masking (by Itself) Isn't Enough

As more reports of massive data breaches surface, implementing a robust data protection strategy is not an option but a must. Sensitive data must be secure whether it’s in use, in transit, or at rest. No matter where the data is stored or viewed, it must be protected to accomplish National Institute of Standards and Technology requirements and many other regulations. Protecting data, your most sensitive assets is critical.

Can US Organizations Share or Release CUI to Foreign Entities?

Working as a contractor for the federal government means complying with a wide range of rules. Some of these are large, obvious, and well-enforced, like the security frameworks we so often discuss here on the Ignyte blog. Others are small rules, scattered throughout disparate memos and resources, and it can sometimes be easy to forget them – or not even know them at all. And, of course, it doesn’t help matters that these rules can change from time to time.

Sygnum taps Fireblocks for new instant settlement network

Sygnum, a global digital asset banking group founded in Switzerland, is launching Sygnum Connect – their new, 24/7 instant settlement network for fiat, digital assets, and stablecoin transactions. Aimed at institutional investors, liquidity providers, stablecoin issuers, brokers, exchanges, and more, Sygnum Connect launches with connectivity to 200+ Sygnum institutional clients. Sygnum has tapped Fireblocks to provide the fiat settlement infrastructure for Connect.

Web Scraping for SEO: Don't Waste Money on Expensive Tools

Of course, everyone wants to dominate the SERPs. It’s a no-brainer! Want to know one of my favorite ways to achieve better rankings? Yup, web scraping! Web scraping is particularly useful for SEO; not only is it very cheap, but it allows you to access hyper-specific data that sometimes is not even visible through SEMRush’s or Ahrefs’ databases. Keep in mind anyone can disallow these two bots (and any bot actually) via their robots.txt.

The 5 Advantages of Transitioning from Legacy Patching & Vulnerability Management Tools to Modern Solutions

Transitioning from legacy vulnerability management tools to modern solutions like Tanium offers improved endpoint visibility, cost savings, streamlined operations, real-time data, and automated remediation, enhancing overall cybersecurity posture.