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Everything you should know about continuous controls monitoring (CCM)

Continuous controls monitoring (CCM) is a crucial aspect of making GRC processes more automated, accurate, and actionable through technology. It helps organizations transition from inefficient point-in-time checks to automation-driven compliance controls that provide a real-time view into their security posture. That’s why many proactive risk management teams are already prioritizing control automation for their GRC program.

What's the buzz about NIS 2?

The latest version of the Network and Information Security Directive (NIS 2) has severe implications for companies that provide services or carry out activities in the European Union (EU). NIS 2’s goal is to establish a higher level of security and cyber resilience for member EU states in 18 essential industry sectors. Violations can lead to substantial fines, legal liability and even criminal sanctions on an individual level.

From Reactive to Proactive: Cyber Insurance is Driving Optimal Security Investments for Organizations

New data shows that only 3 percent of organizations are solely relying on their current cyber defenses when adding on cyber insurance, indicating that organizations are beginning to understand the true value and place of a cyber insurance policy. For the last few years, it felt like organizations were seeing cyber insurance like they do their car insurance; have an “accident” and let the policy cover it.

Boosting America's digital defense: Key takeaways from the FY 2026 budget priorities

Ahead of the new US federal fiscal year beginning October 1, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and the Office of the National Cyber Director (ONCD) released a memorandum titled Administration Cybersecurity Priorities for the FY 2026 Budget. The memo outlines a comprehensive roadmap for federal agencies and provides crucial guidance for agency heads as they formulate their fiscal year 2026 budget submissions in furtherance of the National Cybersecurity Strategy.

How To Stop MFA Fatigue Attacks

As organizations continue to digitize and passwords proliferate across systems, applications, and even assets, identity and access management (IAM) has become a pillar of cybersecurity. One component of IAM has become ubiquitous with access security: multi-factor authentication (MFA). MFA is an access control technique that adds a layer of security to user logins and access by making the user verify their identity.

CrowdStrike Unifies Threat Data and AI for Next-Gen Managed Detection and Response

CrowdStrike is setting a new standard for managed detection and response (MDR), building on our established reputation as pioneers and industry leaders. Falcon Complete Next-Gen MDR combines cutting-edge AI-powered cybersecurity technology with the expertise of the industry’s top security analysts to stop breaches across the entire attack surface 24/7 with unmatched speed and precision.