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Brand Impersonation of Microsoft Increases 50% in One Quarter

The use of the Microsoft brand in phishing attacks demonstrates both its widespread credibility as well as the continued success of attacks leveraging it. Each quarter, security vendor Check Point builds its’ Brand Phishing Ranking, identifying the top ten impersonated brands used in phishing attacks. And, while we’ve seen Microsoft at the top of this quite a few times before in their previous rankings, it’s the growth we see in their latest report covering Q2.

3 Types of Bot Attacks to Guard Against

Bot attacks constitute a major danger to businesses and individuals. For five consecutive years, the percentage of global web traffic connected to bad bots has increased, reaching 32% in 2023, a 1.8% increase from 30.2% in 2022, while human traffic represented only 50.4%. These nefarious bots are designed to breach a system, access confidential files illegally, and disrupt normal operations, which leads to severe financial and reputational consequences.

Cybersecurity: The Unsung Hero of SOX Compliance

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX) was enacted to restore public confidence in the wake of major corporate and accounting scandals. The legislation aims to protect investors by improving the accuracy and reliability of corporate disclosures made pursuant to the securities laws. One key aspect of SOX compliance is ensuring the integrity and security of financial data. In the digital age, cybersecurity practices play a crucial role in adhering to SOX requirements.

The Naver Deception: Analyzing Quasar RAT's Distribution through a Popular South Korean Platform

Quasar RAT, also known as xRAT, is a malicious remote access trojan (RAT) that primarily targets Windows systems. Developed as an open-source project around 2015, it quickly garnered attention in the cybersecurity community due to its flexibility and ease of modification. Quasar RAT allows cybercriminals to gain unauthorized remote access to infected computers, making it a potent tool for espionage and theft. How Quasar RAT Operates.

Creating a Big Security Culture With a Tiny Button

When it comes to creating a strong cybersecurity culture, one of the most powerful tools we have at our disposal is the Phish Alert Button (PAB). This unassuming little add-in for your email client can make all the difference between falling victim to a malicious email and stopping a potential cyber attack in its tracks. And yet, many employees hesitate to use it, fearing the embarrassment of being wrong. I've been there myself.

5 Snyk Alternatives and Why They Are Better

Snyk is widely recognized as one of the top security tools for developers, especially when it comes to finding vulnerabilities in open-source code, containers, and infrastructure as code. However, no tool is perfect for every scenario and access to the Snyk platform comes with a price tag. Depending on your needs, there may be Snyk alternatives that provide better integration, features, or just better value for money.

Up Level Your Amazon Security Lake with Attack Surface Intelligence

As global network infrastructure expands to include devices without traditional compute power, every organization’s attack surface becomes increasingly complex. Parallel to the increased complexity in the threat landscape is the increased scale and complexity of the signals and data necessary to produce meaningful cybersecurity insights. At its core, cybersecurity is a big data problem, requiring centralization of disparate data sources in uniform structure to enable continuous analytics.

Azure Just-in-Time Access Simplified

In today’s rapidly evolving cloud landscape, organizations are grappling with the intricate challenge of striking a delicate balance between ensuring robust cybersecurity measures and facilitating seamless operational efficiency. As cloud adoption continues to surge, the traditional approach of granting standing privileges to users has become an increasingly significant security vulnerability.