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SecurityScorecard and AWS Help Make Secure Software Procurement Faster and Easier

Organizations increasingly rely on third parties for business operations, and as a result are working with more digital suppliers than ever. According to Gartner, 60% of organizations work with more than 1,000 third parties and this number will grow. High-profile vulnerabilities such as Log4Shell are a constant reminder of the risks posed by a breakdown in the software supply chain. This has spurred enterprises to increase the rigor of software risk assessments to ensure supply chain security.

Up Level Your Amazon Security Lake with Attack Surface Intelligence

As global network infrastructure expands to include devices without traditional compute power, every organization’s attack surface becomes increasingly complex. Parallel to the increased complexity in the threat landscape is the increased scale and complexity of the signals and data necessary to produce meaningful cybersecurity insights. At its core, cybersecurity is a big data problem, requiring centralization of disparate data sources in uniform structure to enable continuous analytics.

Top Identity Threats Your Organization Faces

Two major organizations breached in 2023 — MGM Resorts and 23andMe — have one part of their hacks in common: identity. Initial access in the 23andMe breach came from credential stuffing, and it was a lack of access control that allowed the threat actors to move deeper into the organization, ultimately exfiltrating data from millions of user accounts.

Creating Visibility In Your Digital Environment with Attack Surface Management (ASM)

In today’s IT environments, creating visibility in your digital environment with Attack Surface Management (ASM) is crucial for maintaining robust cybersecurity. ASM provides essential insights and tools to identify and protect your organization. This blog addresses several key questions that ASM helps answer, bolstering your resilience against cyber threats.

5 Snyk Alternatives and Why They Are Better

Snyk is widely recognized as one of the top security tools for developers, especially when it comes to finding vulnerabilities in open-source code, containers, and infrastructure as code. However, no tool is perfect for every scenario and access to the Snyk platform comes with a price tag. Depending on your needs, there may be Snyk alternatives that provide better integration, features, or just better value for money.

How To Educate Children About Online Password Safety

According to data from the Pew Research Center, over 33% of parents with children younger than 12 years old say their children started using digital devices before they were five years old. With children gaining access to technology at earlier ages than ever before, it is important to teach your children about online password safety. Password safety refers to the best practices of creating strong passwords and keeping them stored in a safe location.

Sentinels of Ex Machina: Defending AI Architectures

The introduction, adoption, and quick evolution of generative AI has raised multiple questions about implementing effective security architecture and the specific requirements for protecting all aspects of an AI environment as more and more organizations begin using this technology. Recent security reports on vulnerabilities that expose Large Language Model (LLM) components and jailbreaks for bypassing prompting restrictions have further shown the need for AI defenses.

The Role of Automation in Managed File Transfer: Streamlining Workflows

In an era where efficiency and security are paramount, automation has become a critical component of Managed File Transfer (MFT) solutions. Automation in MFT streamlines workflows, reduces manual intervention, and ensures that file transfers are executed consistently and securely. This article delves into the role of automation in MFT and how it contributes to streamlined business operations.

Automatic visibility: the key to a more proactive data security program

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, the ability to see, understand, and control data movement within an organization is more critical than ever. Cyberhaven’s customers are turning to our Data Detection and Response (DDR) platform to power their data security programs, moving away from legacy solutions that fail to offer comprehensive visibility. Cyberhaven stands out by providing unmatched insights into data usage and movement across every part of an organization.

Shield your acquisitions: security strategies for the 2024 M&A market

After economic headwinds caused a downswing in corporate mergers and acquisitions, analysts are projecting an increase in activity in the second half of 2024. This uptick in activity, however, will feature different trends due to the current economic and regulatory climate, with big implications for information security. Read on to learn more about projected shifts in acquisition strategy and the implications for information security!