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Applying an intelligence-based approach to Cybersecurity; SIEM and dark web monitoring

“History repeatedly has demonstrated that inferior forces can win when leaders are armed with accurate intelligence.” – Central Intelligence Agency; Intelligence in War In the ever-changing landscape of global cybersecurity, the boundaries between traditional military intelligence and cybersecurity are increasingly blurred. At the heart of this convergence lies the science of intelligence analysis—a process fundamental to both realms.

Mr. Cooper, Mortgage Lending Giant, Faces Disruptions During Cyberattack

Mr. Cooper provides over 4 million people with mortgage lending options. They are the nation’s most prominent leading estate loan servicer, with over $900 billion in active service. The loan servicing giant recently experienced a technical outage; the culprit may have been a cybersecurity attack, potentially exposing the sensitive information of thousands.

Navigating SBOM: What Are The Implications for Device Manufacturers and Healthcare Providers

In an increasingly interconnected world, the Internet of Things (IoT) has become a significant driver of innovation across various industries. Healthcare institutions were early adopters of IoT technology, leveraging it to improve patient care, streamline operations, and enhance data management. However, this surge in IoT adoption brings with it new challenges, one of which is the need for more transparency and security in the supply chain of connected medical devices.

IT Admins Continue to Use Weak Passwords

In an analysis of web pages identified as admin portals, some incredibly weak passwords were identified – and some of them are going to really surprise you. We all know the general drill with admin passwords – make them complex and long. Simple right? But a new analysis of admin passwords shows that IT admins seem to not be vigilant around good password hygiene.

Highlights from The Rochester Security Summit 2023

October’s a fun month in the cybersecurity field, and not just because of the costumes and candy. Since it was designated as the National Cybersecurity Awareness Month in 2004, October’s always packed with great events, such as the Rochester Security Summit (RSS). RSS has been a leading regional cybersecurity conference in Upstate New York since 2006, where hundreds of attendees gather to share about the latest advancements in the field.

How Tracking Pixels Impact Cybersecurity

Data collection is the gear that powers the modern internet. User data provides powerful behavioral insights, supercharges web analytics for tailored advertisements, and engages organizations in meaningful user experience research. But collecting that data requires tracking user behavior, which can lead to potential for personal data leaks, advertising spam, and unclear boundaries around what is considered invasive user research.

Weekly Cybersecurity Recap November 3

This week, hackers targeted various industries for cyberattacks, including nationally-recognized organizations. Five Guys suffered a breach involving two employee email accounts and potentially losing employee and consumer credentials. Another national organization, Deer Oaks Behavioral Health, announced a data breach resulting in more than 170,000 patient records falling at risk for misuse. Mr.

Pilot Union APA Discloses Ransomware Attack Following Disruptions

The Allied Pilots Association (APA) is the collective pilot agent for American Airlines; it provides a range of services to 15,000 members, including acting as a bargaining entity. On October 30th, the APA experienced a network disturbance—a ransomware cyberattack potentially exposing members.

Managing Risk Appetite: Balancing Cybersecurity and Business Growth

Determining, dealing with, and accepting a certain level of risk will always be a top priority for the members of any C-Suite. Eliminating risk is likely not a possibility, especially when it concerns cybersecurity. Simply put, the threat landscape changes so rapidly that fully solving this problem is likely beyond our reach. That means organisations must focus on what they can control and how much they are willing to leave up to chance.

5 Tips To Prepare For Your External Audit

Your company’s first external audit can be a bit overwhelming. The audit firm will seek a considerable amount of audit evidence from your business – and if you want to prepare for that compliance audit in advance, there’s an equally vast amount of information available about how audits should work. Every company’s audit experience will differ, depending on the scope and the standard against which you will be audited.