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The Ultimate Security Checklist to Launch a Mobile App in Nigeria - iOS & Android

Nigerian authorities have made great strides in data security, and businesses worldwide are taking notice. If you're planning to launch a mobile app in Nigeria, it's crucial that you understand the importance of app security and take steps to ensure that your app meets Nigerian data privacy requirements. We’re aware that data protection can be overwhelming as it requires a holistic approach that incorporates legal, administrative, and technical safeguards.

Understanding the basics of Cloud Security: What is Zero Trust & Why does it Matter?

Cybersecurity professionals are tasked with the difficult job of protecting their organization's data from malicious actors. To achieve this goal, zero trust security has become an essential tool for organizations. But what exactly is zero trust? In this post, we’re going to separate signal and noise by disambiguating the term zero trust. We’ll talk about what it is, why it matters, and key takeaways you should have regarding the state of cybersecurity in 2023.

Preventing the Theft of IP and Military Secrets

A common topic in our blog is the threat that insiders pose to an organization’s sensitive data. Why? ‘Insider threats’ continue to pose the biggest threats to intellectual property (IP) and military secrets. Insiders, including contractors, need access to sensitive information to do their job, but to what extent? How can we prevent sensitive information from being exfiltrated by malicious insiders?

How Does Keeper Protect Your Data? Security and Transparency.

Keeper Security’s zero-trust and zero-knowledge encryption model ensures that even in a worst case scenario, all of the contents of your Keeper vault would be protected with multiple layers of safeguards and encryption. Keeper has stood by its commitment to protect your most valuable data for more than a decade, through our best-in-class security model and transparent approach to sharing it with the public.

Centralized Log Management for the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA)

The financial services industry has been a threat actor target since before digital transformation was even a term. Further, the financial services organizations find themselves continuously under scrutiny. As members of a highly regulated industry, these companies need to comply with various laws to ensure that they effectively protect sensitive data.

Make Zero Trust Data Access Your New Year's Resolution

As you look back on the state of cybersecurity in 2022 and set your security priorities for 2023, Zero Trust Data Access should top your New Year’s Resolutions list. Zero trust was probably the most talked about security trend last year and for good reason – it is clear no matter how much we layer our defenses hackers, malicious insiders and simple negligence are impossible to eradicate.

Data Insights for Parenting...and Cybersecurity Teams

I am often struck by the similarities in the skill set required for both parenting and cybersecurity. With children—as with employees—it is much easier to keep everyone safe if you have a little bit of visibility into what’s actually going on. The hardest child to parent effectively is one who shuts themselves away in their bedroom, operating in isolation and giving no clues as to the risks they may be exposing themselves to.

5 Reasons Why You Need to Review Your Data Privacy Policy Now

‍ Without a doubt, data privacy will be a much bigger focus for small- and medium-sized businesses in 2023, as the U.S. states of California, Colorado, Connecticut, Utah, and Virginia all enact stricter privacy legislation. Similarly, the Canadian province of Quebec is also in the process of updating its data privacy laws.

9 Best Data Leak Detection Software Solutions in 2022

Data leaks are a popular attack vector for cybercriminals. They’re considered a shortcut to accessing valuable sensitive data without needing to carry out sophisticated cyber attacks. Once an attacker discovers a data leak, they can exploit it immediately. Organizations must be vigilant against internal and third-party data leaks. Otherwise, they risk leaving an instant pathway to costly data breaches exposed.

Why Santa Claus Is a Huge Privacy Risk and Must Be Stopped at All Costs

He sees you when you're sleeping, and he knows when you're awake, and we're just supposed to be ok with that? He's making a list and checking it twice, but what kind of information is on that list? Does the big man in red store all the massive amounts of data he collects securely, or can all the elves peruse it at their leisure? Let's face it, Santa Claus is a huge security risk and a privacy nightmare. How does he get away with these massive breaches of your right to privacy year after year?