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Enterprise data encryption - the ultimate guide in 2023

There’s no denying that the market for data encryption solutions is multifaceted and broad. But, it must be in order to keep up with modern security gaps and evolving threats. In this article, we’ll tell you about what enterprise data encryption is, why you should care about it, some of the different types of data encryption, and how SecureAge takes a unique approach to effectively protect enterprise data without compromising existing workflows or requiring a tech overhaul.

How to use data loss prevention (DLP) for LGPD Compliance

The Brazilian General Data Protection Law (LGPD) came into effect on August 16, 2020. The law creates new rights for individuals with respect to their data and imposes significant obligations on companies that process personal data. This guide will provide an overview of the key provisions of the LGPD and explain the steps that companies must take to comply with the law.

New Nightfall Platform Enhancements Makes Parsing and Managing Findings Easier

Nightfall customers have always lauded the platform’s ease of use and simplicity, but our team is always hard at work looking for ways to improve user experience. This month, we’ve made multiple features GA across the platform, that will further your ability to further customize what content and files trigger Nightfall detectors as well as the ways you can ingest this data.

Encrypting SharePoint List Columns

There are many ways to share data in SharePoint, including lists. A SharePoint list is a collection of data that a user can share with other users to whom they have permitted access. A variety of default list templates are provided in SharePoint to allow for easier set-up. Users can also import such lists (usually in CSV format) from other applications.

Here's how to protect your endpoint from 7 common types of malware

Every software we use consists of instructions in the form of computer codes that dictate how computers behave or perform certain tasks. But not all software is designed to make our lives easier. Malware, a portmanteau of the words malicious and software, is specifically designed to help hackers gain access to, steal information from, or damage a computer. Oftentimes, all this happens without the knowledge of the computer user themselves. Until it’s too late, that is.

Recent AstraZeneca Breach Illustrates Risk of Credential Leakage Across Cloud Apps

Yesterday, TechCrunch broke a story about pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca, which experienced a leak affecting sensitive patient data. We think this incident is worth reviewing to learn more about how data exfiltration risk is distributed across the entirety of an organization’s SaaS infrastructure.

4 Steps for Defining Data Classification Levels and Policies

Data classification is an important business process. It makes it easier to apply data protection, helps employees understand what data is sensitive, and, importantly, which data can be made public. Unfortunately, many organizations provide employees with access to far more data than is needed. The oversharing of information with employees is a huge security risk.