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Developing an Effective Change Management Program

Change detection is easy. What is not so easy, is reconciling change. Change reconciliation is where most organizations stumble. What was the change? When was it made? Who made it? Was it authorized? The ability to answer these questions are the elements that comprise change management. Historically, the haste of accomplishing a task consisted of a sysadmin moving full-speed ahead to satisfy the needs of the business.

GitGuardian Internal Monitoring demo - Secrets detection in source code repositories

GitGuardian's internal monitoring solution helps unite Dev. Sec. and Ops to fight hardcoded secrets. In this short demo, we show exactly how GitGuardian can help identify secrets inside your source, quickly and effectively remediate incidents and prevent secrets from being committed into source code repositories.

A Simple Overview of Authentication Methods for Kubernetes Clusters

Kubernetes is a very complex product where creating and managing clusters requires a great deal of knowledge on a wide range of topics. The introduction of managed clusters brought simplicity to the process allowing users to focus on extracting the most out of the system. One of the areas of most interest and different configurations is authentication and authorization. In authentication, the main objective, and most critical of all, is to ensure the identity and validity of users and machines.

Why Your DevOps Platform Needs a Security Partner to Safeguard Your Software

Here at Mend, we work with businesses of different sizes and maturity across a wide variety of industry sectors, such as healthcare, finance, manufacturing, construction, media, software, and more. One thing they have in common is that they are all involved in software development in one form or another. They use code and software components and dependencies within a DevOps environment to create both internal and customer-facing applications.

Teleport Kubernetes Demo | Setup, RBAC, Event Auditing

In this video, we'll look at how to manage Kubernetes access with Teleport. We'll set up a Teleport cluster, securely add a Kubernetes cluster to be managed in Teleport, do a deep dive on controlling access to Kubernetes with Teleport's RBAC system, and end with an overview of Teleport's built-in auditing capabilities.

DevSecOps - All You Need To Know

DevSecOps has become one of the hottest buzzwords in the DevOps ecosystem over the past few years. In the abstract, it’s easy to understand what DevSecOps means and why people care about it: it’s a strategy that extends DevOps efficiencies to software security. But when you sit down and actually start implementing DevSecOps, things can get trickier. There is no switch you can flip to go from DevOps to DevSecOps. Implementation requires a set of tools and practices.

[Webinar] Software Supply Chain Security & Attacks: The True, the False, and the Most Lethal

What do high-profile incidents like SolarWinds SUNBURST, Codecov bash uploader, Log4Shell, ua-parser-js, or the more recent IconBurst all have in common? They’re all supply chain attacks... except one. Exploding interest in the security of the software development lifecycle from the media, industry analysts, vendors, and agencies, has left the rest of us, developers and security engineers, with many confusing definitions for supply chain attacks.