Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

January 2022

DevSecOps plan process

In the DevOps and DevSecOps Introduction, What is DevOps, we reviewed how our security teams overlay onto DevOps for visibility and increased security throughout the software lifecycle. This article explores DevSecOps during the planning phase of the project and why it’s important for developers to be trained on how to help protect the software they are writing from Free Open-Source Software “FOSS” risks and supply chain attacks.

Talent Shortage 2022: Stretching Your Lean DevSecOps Team

The cybersecurity talent shortage is real. As of December 2021, a job-tracking database from the U.S. Commerce Department showed nearly 600,000 unfilled cybersecurity positions. And a 2021 study found that 57% of cybersecurity professionals worked at organizations that have been directly impacted by the cybersecurity talent shortage. Even so, many organizations want to “shift security left” or build security best practices earlier into the software development lifecycle (SDLC).

SBOM production and secure distribution - Jitsuin and Meterian integration makes it easy.

Jitsuin met Meterian in the NCSC Cyber Runway Accelerator launched in November 2021. What we quickly realized is that automated generation and permissioned sharing of SBOMs would save valuable time in vulnerability discovery and mitigation. So we moved fast to fix things! The integration between Meterian’s Boost Open-Source Software Scanner (BOSS) and Jitsuin’s RKVST SBOM Hub enables software publishers to automatically generate, store and distribute SBOMs in public or private.

15 Ways to Make SBOM Distribution Easy

The whole point of an SBOM is lost if you keep it a secret. Here we reveal our secrets of the ideal SBOM exchange. Let us know if we’ve missed anything in RKVST SBOM Hub. SBOMs are made for sharing and are the gifts that keep on giving, but only if they get to the right place at the right time to drive the right critical decision. The first critical decision, or moment of truth, is whether to buy a vendor’s product.

DevSecOps in an Agile Environment

At first glance, DevSecOps and Agile can seem like different things. In reality, the methodologies often complement each other. Let’s see how. Agile is a methodology that aims to give teams flexibility during software development. DevSecOps is about adding automated security to an existing automated software development process. Both are methodologies that require high levels of communication between different stakeholders and continuous improvement as part of the process.

What SecOps Teams Can Expect in 2022

Traditionally, most organizations have had siloed departments wherein teams’ activities are highly separated and the objectives within organizational structures are divided. This operational methodology has brought about friction – especially within the IT department, where developers and ITOps lack collaboration.

Six Pillars of DevSecOps

DevOps and Security. One encourages speed, agility, iterative learning, enabling technology to keep up with the pace of business. The other wants to keep you safe, slows things down, crosses all the T's and dots all the I's. They seem to be at odds with one another — but do they need to be? DevSecOps says no, that’s not the way it has to be.

Secure DevOps on Microsoft Azure: Reduce Cloud & Container Risk

Microsoft Azure is a great choice for enterprises looking to quickly build and deploy apps to the cloud. However, cloud teams must simultaneously consider how to implement DevSecOps practices to reduce, manage and avoid risks. Sysdig is collaborating with Microsoft to simplify cloud and container security and deliver robust SaaS-based solutions for the Azure ecosystem.