Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Netwrix Auditor for Exchange - Overview

Netwrix Auditor for Exchange simplifies IT auditing across your Exchange Online and on-premises Exchange environment and provides actionable audit data, all in one place. See who has access to what, monitor non-owner mailbox access events, and track Exchange configuration and permission changes, so you can prevent data breaches, prove IT compliance and ensure ongoing availability of email services.

Netwrix Auditor for SharePoint - Overview

Netwrix Auditor for SharePoint empowers you to reduce the exposure of sensitive data and detect suspicious user behavior and policy violations before they result in data leaks or business disruptions. Plus, its ready-to-use intelligence enables you to automate many of the compliance and security-related tasks that until now required hours to complete so you can meet the demands of your organization without constantly being overburdened.

Is Your Business Data Safe from the Dark Web?

You may never venture to the dark web, but many bad actors are active on the dark web and they may have access to your corporate data. Sensitive, proprietary business data could already be on there for sale to the highest bidder. That could lead to a security breach, fraud, damaged business reputation, or loss of competitive advantage. You won’t know until it’s too late! Download our ebook, “The Dark Side of the Internet.

Teleport 4.3 Demo | Privileged Access Management | SSH & Kubectl

In this video, we show the basic capabilities of Gravitational Teleport, an open-source Linux server for setting up infrastructure access via SSH or Kubernetes. Gravitational Teleport is a gateway for managing access to clusters of Linux servers via SSH or the Kubernetes API. Download Teleport Community here and try it for your self Check out our GitHub repo here If you want to ask any questions reach out here.