Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Prevent secrets, credentials, and PII leaking in application logs with the Nightfall Developer Platform

Infosec leaders have a lot of corners to cover in their cybersecurity strategy. When crafting the tactics and onboarding the platforms that will protect sensitive information, the checklist of requirements could be missing a very important vector for attack, compliance risk or data loss: application logs.

Preventing data loss in data warehouses with the Nightfall Developer Platform

Data warehouses power your data analysis and business intelligence operations so you can level up your knowledge and progress toward bigger business goals. Like any key component of your tech stack, using data warehouses effectively also requires care and caution — especially when uploading and sharing sensitive information.

Synopsys Defensics R&D team places second in 5G Cyber Security Hack 2021 event

The Synopsys Defensics R&D team put the Defensics fuzz testing tool to the test in the 5G Cyber Security Hack event and placed second in the competition. Finnish transport and communications agency Traficom, together with challenge partners Aalto University, Cisco, Ericson, Nokia, and PwC, organized the 5G Cyber Security Hack, which was held June 18 to 20, 2021.

What Are Supplier Management KPIs?

Key performance indicators (KPIs) are how organizations measure success. Supplier management KPIs assure that value is received for the money spent with suppliers and vendors while keeping one eye on cost savings. When evaluating your organization’s supply chain, you can review several areas, such as: Supplier management across the entire lifecycle can be difficult because of the sheer number of vendors and suppliers a corporate organization typically uses.

Resilience, DevSecOps, and other key takeaways from RSAC 2021

For the first time in its 30-year history, the 2021 RSA Conference was a virtual-only event, and not in its usual time during the spring. But, with 20,000 registrants joining for the various sessions, it was a testament to this year’s conference theme of resilience.

Taking the Pain Out of Vendor Risk Assessments

Supply chains are an essential part of today’s on-demand economy. However, they also expand your ecosystem, increasing the threat surface that you need to secure. While compliance assessments document vendor controls and enable you to manage third-party risk, responding to and completing them takes time. These delays can make your procurement team feel like you’re trying to disqualify their vendor.

Appknox Webinar: Secure Coding Practices to Prevent Vulnerabilities in SDLC

Continuing on the successful webinar journey, last week Appknox hosted a webinar on "Secure Coding Practices to Prevent Vulnerabilities in SDLC." Focusing on secure coding best practices, our experts busted several myths and misconceptions regarding mobile app security in the webinar and highlighted several client-side misconfigurations which generally go unnoticed by the app developers.

How Packages' External Resources Threaten Your Supply Chain

Many developers already know that in some ecosystems, open source dependencies might run their custom code from packages when they are being installed. While this capability can be used for both good and evil, today we’ll focus on a legit use case that, when misused, can escalate and be used to compromise your organization’s supply chain. If you haven’t guessed yet, I’m talking about downloading and linking external dependencies during the install process.

Protect Your Retail Supply Chain Against Cyber Attacks

The consumer goods and retail industry stores customer data in various digital platforms across multiple third-party vendors. This environment is perfect for cybercriminals to look for weak points to gain access to valuable customer data. Oftentimes, cybersecurity teams are focused too much on securing their own organization from the outside. As hacker techniques become more widespread and sophisticated, organizations must be able to see not only their own security posture but also their third parties’ from the viewpoint of the hackers’. What do hackers see and where are the weak points?