Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


5 reasons why you need Cyber Essentials

If we told you that certifying with Cyber Essentials was a simple but effective way to protect yourself from up to 80% of common cyber attack methods, wouldn’t that alone be enough to convince you it’s worth it? The Cyber Essentials scheme is a Government backed certification standard that enforces 5 key technical controls. By following these controls, you create an essential security baseline to protect your business from everyday cyber threats.

Remote learning: A bounty for online cyberattackers

On 26 April 2020, 189 countries across Asia, Europe, the Middle East, North America, and South America shut down schools marking one of the largest mass school closures in history. But today, more than a year since COVID-19 forced entire cohorts online, economies continue to flit in and out of lockdowns and schools are continuing to resort to remote or hybrid-learning arrangements.

Introducing Kroll Notification Navigator Technical Demo

Kroll’s third-party breach management platform cuts through the complex logistics of coordinating breach notification for a compromised entity and the consumer-facing organizations with which they work. Watch this video to see how we help clients navigate through the complexities of breach notifications with third-parties.

What is the Digital Supply Chain?

The supply chain for any product has several moving parts. Each activity in the supply chain plays a role in the flow that begins with sourcing a product's raw materials and ends with delivering the finished goods to a customer. As with many other areas of modern business, digital technologies are redefining supply chains. With more technology comes increased cyber risks. This article explains digital supply chains along with their benefits and cybersecurity risks.