Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


How reliable is real-time security?

Today’s world is a fast-paced one, and that reality means changing the approach to security. Traditional ways of securing networks or premises often involved responding to threats after they happened or preparing for the most likely attacks based on experience. Now, an option called real-time security — or real-time adaptive security — allows people to use a different method.

Detectify security updates for January 25

Our Crowdsource ethical hacker community has been busy sending us security updates, including 0-day research. For Asset Monitoring, we now push out tests more frequently at record speed within 25 minutes from hacker to scanner. Due to confidentially agreements, we cannot publicize all security update releases here but they are immediately added to our scanner and available to all users. The following are some of the security vulnerabilities reported by Detectify Crowdsource ethical hackers.

Digital Identity Trends: 3 Forces shaping 2021

We live in a world where our heads are filled with security logins and pockets filled with Identity cards, but since a few years there is another rising star in the world of identity-DIGITAL IDENTITY. What is a digital ID? A digital identity is a set of verified digital attributes and credentials of a person, just like a person’s ID card for the physical world.

Integrating identity: OAuth2 and OpenID Connect in Open Policy Agent

In order to make policy decisions we commonly need to know the identity of the caller. Traditionally this has often been done by providing a user or client identifier along with the request, and using that identifier to look up further information like user details or permissions from a remote data source. While this model works fairly well for many applications, it scales poorly in distributed systems such as microservice environments.

Docker for Node.js developers: 5 things you need to know not to fail your security

Docker is totalling up to over 50 billion downloads of container images. With millions of applications available on Docker Hub, container-based applications are popular and make an easy way to consume and publish applications. That being said, the naive way of building your own Docker Node.js web applications may come with many security risks. So, how do we make security an essential part of Docker for Node.js developers?

Vulnerability Assessment Using Datadog and Snyk

Vulnerability assessment for teams can often be overwhelming. This joint Datadog and Snyk session demonstrates the new integration between the two companies, which enables developers to precisely identify and prioritize code-level security fixes in production applications. Using a sample Java application, you'll see how Snyk surfaces vulnerability information at runtime inside the Datadog UI to help users triage fixes by not just seeing that a vulnerability exists but also how often they are exposed.

Microservices, Containers and Kubernetes in 10 minutes

What is a microservice? Should you be using microservices? How are microservices related to containers and Kubernetes? If these things keep coming up in your day-to-day and you need an overview in 10 minutes, this blog post is for you. Fundamentally, a microservice is just a computer program which runs on a server or a virtual computing instance and responds to network requests.

A Look at the Legal Consequence of a Cyber Attack

Is your system 100% ready to face the severest cyber-attack and mitigate the risk of a possible data breach? If you are unsure about your cyber-safety structure, then it’s time to upgrade it. Otherwise, you could be at risk of lengthy legal battles that result in hefty fines. Beyond that, the cost in terms of reputational loss could be catastrophic if not handled meticulously by professionals within a reasonable time.