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How To Securely Send Tax Documents

The most secure way to send tax documents is by using a platform with zero-knowledge encryption such as a password manager. Zero-knowledge encryption is one of the safest ways to store sensitive data because it encrypts and decrypts data at the device level, not the company’s servers or in the cloud. Using a password manager with zero knowledge removes the anxiety of having your sensitive information breached by unauthorized parties.

How To Protect Yourself From AI Voice Scam Calls

Artificial Intelligence (AI) being used to carry out cybercrime isn’t new, but as AI becomes more advanced, so do the tools that cybercriminals are using. One of the most recent AI-enabled cyber threats we’ve seen is cybercriminals using voice-cloning technology to carry out scam calls. You can protect yourself from AI voice-cloning scam calls by blocking spam calls, not picking up calls from unknown numbers and creating a safe word with your family in case a legitimate emergency occurs.

Can MFA Be Bypassed by Cybercriminals?

Enabling Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is a cybersecurity best practice that helps protect online accounts from unauthorized access; however, not all forms of MFA are created equally in terms of security. There are ways that cybercriminals can bypass MFA. Some MFA methods are more vulnerable to cyber attacks and are often exploited by cybercriminals. There are methods of MFA that do a better job of protecting your online accounts; you just have to choose the correct option.

What Is Privilege Creep?

Privilege creep is a cybersecurity term that describes the gradual accumulation of network access levels beyond what an individual needs to do their job. Users need specific privileges to perform tasks and job functions. These privileges can include accessing sensitive data, installing new programs, updating software, configuring networks, adding new users and more. Not every user needs to be granted all privileges to do their job.

What Is Kerberoasting and How to Prevent it

Kerberoasting is a form of cyber attack that targets service accounts using the Kerberos authentication protocol. Attackers exploit the authentication protocol to extract password hashes and crack the plaintext passwords attached to the account. These attacks are prevalent because they can be difficult to notice and mitigate.

What Are the Cybersecurity Risks of Remote Work?

Working remotely has allowed organizations to enhance their efficiency and provide employees with flexibility. However, remote work comes with cybersecurity risks that can often lead to data breaches and jeopardize an organization’s security. The five cybersecurity risks of remote work are using weak passwords, an insecure internet connection, unencrypted file sharing, an expanded attack surface and the use of personal devices.

Magic Links: What They Are and How They Work

A magic link is a type of passwordless login where a link is sent to a user through email or text message after they’ve entered their email address or username into a login portal. When the user clicks on this link, they’re signed in to their account without having to enter a password. This process appears to be “magic” since the user doesn’t have to enter a password, hence the name. Magic links are also often used as a method of Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).

How To Implement the Principle of Least Privilege

Organizations should implement the principle of least privilege to protect their sensitive data from unauthorized access. To implement the principle of least privilege, organizations need to define roles and permissions, invest in a Privileged Access Management (PAM) solution, enforce MFA, automatically rotate credentials for privileged accounts, segment networks and regularly audit network privileges.