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A CISO's Guide to Log Management for Cybersecurity

In today’s highly interconnected worlds, CISOs face a dual challenge: protecting data and reporting to the Board of Directors. Log management has long been a tool in the CISO’s back pocket, helping gain insight into potential security issues. However, the rise of cloud-based infrastructures changes this, making log management increasingly difficult.

The Rising Tide of Data Breach Awareness

There’s an old saying that “there’s no such thing as bad publicity.” Unfortunately, this doesn’t ring true when it comes to data breaches and ransomware attacks. High profile security incidents continue to make headlines, and those headlines are impacting bottom lines. In response to these, the US federal government is modernizing its own cybersecurity infrastructure, and more state governments are implementing laws to protect citizens.

Security Hygiene - Why Is It Important?

“What happened?” If you’ve never uttered those words, this blog isn’t for you. For those of us in cybersecurity, this pint-sized phrase triggers memories of unforeseen security incidents and long email threads with the CISO. What happened to those security patches? Why didn’t we prevent that intrusion? Organizations tend to lean towards protecting their borders and less towards understanding the importance of overall security hygiene.

Bolster OT Security with Graylog

Anyone tracking the evolution of the IT industry is probably familiar with the concept of Industry 4.0. Essentially, it describes the process by which traditional industrial tasks become both digitized and continually managed in an IT-like fashion via modern technologies like cloud computing, digital twins, Internet of Things (IoT) sensorization, and artificial intelligence/machine learning.