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CIS Control 6: Access Control Management

CIS Control 6 merges some aspects of CIS Control 4 (admin privileges) and CIS Control 14 (access based on need to know) into a single access control management group. Access control management is a critical component in maintaining information and system security, restricting access to assets based on role and need. It is important to grant, refuse, and remove access in a standardized, timely, and repeatable way across an entire organization.

Managed Service Providers (MSPs) - What They Are and Why Organizations Go with Them

The skills gap continues to challenge organizations’ ability to fulfill their evolving cybersecurity requirements. Tripwire confirmed this back in 2020 when it partnered with Dimensional Research to survey 342 security professionals. Indeed, 83% of respondents told Tripwire that they felt more overworked going into 2020 than they did a year earlier.

The Importance of Cybersecurity Standards and Certifications for SMBs

In today’s world with cyber attacks hitting the headlines daily, cybersecurity is at the forefront of many business owners’ minds, but implementing the right solutions and knowing what to do to reduce your risk is a big challenge for decision makers in these organizations. The task is even harder for small- to medium-sized businesses (SMB) that tend to lack extensive budgets and resources needed for implementing the most effective and high-brow cybersecurity solutions on the market.

Shame and Cybersecurity: Creating a Safe Space in Your Organization

“Say ‘Ta,’” said Mamma Bear. “Ta,” said Baby Bear. He then dropped the mug of blackcurrant juice by accident. “What have you done?” exclaimed Daddy Bear. “The carpet is RUINED!!” Baby Bear felt a great sense of something disturbing, and this wasn’t a thousand voices suddenly being silenced. This was much deeper. This hurt, and Daddy Bear’s face was angry, disappointed. He was panicking about some purple stuff on the carpet.

US Government tells firms not to give in to ransomware demands

The US Government has underlined once again that it continues to strongly discourage organisations hit by ransomware from giving in to extortion demands. In an updated advisory, the Department of Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) has called upon businesses not to pay ransoms, and to focus on cybersecurity measures that can prevent or mitigate ransomware attacks.

CIS Control 5: Account Management

Knowing who has credentials, how those credentials are granted, and how they are being used is the foundation of any secure environment. It begins with user accounts and the credentials they use. Maintaining a thorough inventory of all accounts and verifying any changes to those accounts as authorized and intentional vs unintended is paramount to establishing a secure environment and this includes service accounts.

How to Report a Data Breach per GDPR

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Act is a broad set of data privacy rules that define how an organization must handle and protect the personal data of citizens of the European Union (EU). The Regulation also outlines the way that organizations can report a data breach. Articles 33 and 34 outline the requirements for breach notification; however, most businesses are still unaware of their responsibilities.

Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) - A Model for Everyone

Data breaches have reached a fever pitch over the last few years. The rapid frequency of successful attacks coupled with the rising costs to businesses has raised attention at the highest levels of global governments. In the past, breaches were relatively “localized,” that is, they affected the targeted company only. However, the newer attacks have disrupted entire supply chains.

Everything You Need to Know about Cyber Crisis Tabletop Exercises

Cybersecurity has become a critical concern in every business sector nowadays due to organizations’ growing dependency on technologies. Research by Immersive Lab reported that in 2019 there were more than 20,000 new vulnerabilities. Not only that, TechRepublic reported that global companies experienced a 148% spike in ransomware attacks after COVID-19 hit the world. So, for most organizations, the question isn’t who will be the target of a cyber attack.

The Digital Pandemic - Ransomware

In 2021, there are two words that can send a cold chill down the spine of any Cybersecurity professional and business leader; Phishing and Ransomware. Research carried out by the Data Analytics and training company CybSafe, identified that 22% of all cyber incidents reported in the first quarter of 2021 were ransomware attacks. According to the figures obtained from the Information Commissioners Office, they are up by 11% compared to 2020.