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IoT Devices Built to Meet Cybersecurity Needs

The Internet of Things (IoT) includes items such as smart appliances, smartwatches, and medical sensors. For organizations to enjoy all of the benefits and convenience of IoT devices, enterprise customers must fully understand the potential risks and threats to their systems and the underlying data. IoT devices often lack built-in security controls, a situation which creates risks and threats for federal agencies and consumers.

What Is Log Management and Why you Need it

To remain competitive in the digital age, organizations frequently introduce new hardware devices and software installations to their IT environments. The problem is that these assets might suffer from vulnerabilities that attackers could misuse, if unpatched, to change a device’s configuration or make unauthorized modifications to some of the organization’s important files.

Identity and Access Management - Who You Are & Where You Need to Be

Remember your first day on the job? You might groan just thinking about it, or maybe you are filled with the optimistic nostalgia of all the great things you set out to accomplish. It’s all a matter of your current perspective. One of the greatest apprehensions about that first day is meeting all of your new colleagues. Someone probably gave you a tour of the office, introducing you to all the new faces, as you wondered how you will remember all the names.

Data Breaches: A Chance for Opportunistic Scammers & What You Should Watch for

Data breaches are now part of doing business, with many companies having been affected. Data is very valuable to criminals because it is often used to commit fraudulent activities as well as to enhance the credibility of scams. Data that is stolen ranges from Social Security Numbers (SSNs) to other identification documents and payment details.

5 Ways to Navigate the Threat Landscape Conveyed in Verizon's DBIR 2021

On May 13, Verizon released its Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR) 2021. This annual publication serves many purposes. It yields context into what security analysts are seeing, for instance. But it also affects organizations’ security postures at an even higher level. Here’s Anthony Israel-Davis, research and development manager at Tripwire, with more: Of course, there are only so many initiatives that organizations can take on each year.

About Tripwire - Protecting the Integrity of the Digital World

Between complex IT networks, internet of things, digitized factory floors, increased cloud usage and remote work… you need to protect your digital assets/infrastructure to operate your business safely and securely. You need to trust that your systems are in a known and trusted state, they are hardened up to industry standards, they are meeting your policies, and ensure sure they stay that way. You also need to know when that changes, and which systems are causing a weakness in your security posture.

FBI and CISA warn that cybercriminals don't take holidays

The FBI and CISA (the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency) have jointly issued an advisory to organisations, warning about an increase in the number of attacks coinciding with weekends and holidays. With the Labor Day weekend rapidly approaching, the agencies have reminded businesses to be especially vigilant, remain diligent about their network defences, and “engage in preemptive threat hunting on their networks to search for signs of threat actors.”

Factors You Should Consider for an Optimal Hybrid Cloud Strategy

Cloud technology is a powerful tool with unmeasurable potential. Across the globe, companies are harnessing the cloud to propel their business solutions. However, there are always some companies that cannot entirely shift their solutions to the cloud. Thanks to the hybrid cloud model, companies house some of their solutions on their on-premises servers and store the rest of them in the cloud. Most companies have adopted the hybrid cloud model, as it suits both conventional and new-age operations.

CIS Control 2: Inventory and Control of Software Assets

Today, I will be going over CIS Control 2 from version 8 of the top 18 CIS Controls – Inventory and Control of Software Assets. Version 7 of CIS Controls had 10 requirements, but in version 8, it’s simplified down to seven safeguards. I will go over those safeguards and offer my thoughts on what I’ve found.

Overcome the Security and Compliance Challenges in DevSecOps

Organizations are under tremendous pressure to deliver innovative products and stick to tight release timelines. To keep up with the rapid release schedule, engineering teams are adopting the DevOps model for its increased efficiency and agility. It has changed the way that development teams think. As a result, continuously improving performance and delivering releases faster have become standard.