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Insider Risk Hits Closer to Home

If you’re busy securing the perimeter, mandating strong authentication practices, and restricting software downloads, you may be missing the mark. (Just to be clear: if you are doing those things, keep it up. You’re off to a good start, and none of what follows here replaces classic and vital cybersecurity measures.) Protecting your organization from outside threats is foundational to any effective cybersecurity strategy.

PCI DSS 4.0 Requirements - Restrict Access, Identify Users and Authenticate Access

In the early days of computer networking, the idea of restricted permissions was shunned. Network administrators could access every system in the environment. In some extreme cases, a CEO would demand full administrative access to a network, thinking that this would protect against a rogue employee. As you can imagine, this set up a point of failure beyond logic.

The Real Value-Add of Red Teaming

They say character isn’t gained in a crisis; it’s displayed in one. By the time the disaster hits, the time for preparation has passed. But what if you could go through that earth-shattering event beforehand so when the time came, you’d be ready? Well, in security, you can. And it's not called cheating – it's called Red Teaming.

How to Protect Against the Four Largest Cybersecurity Threats to Your Supply Chain

Digital technology is becoming an increasingly essential part of nearly every industry, and supply chains are no exception. In recent years, supply chains have become more dependent on digital solutions, from manufacturing, packing, and shipping processes, to storing records in the cloud. While digital technology increases speed, efficiency, and interconnectivity across industries, this increased complexity can also lead to higher gaps in cybersecurity.

Top 5 Malware Trends on the Horizon

Cybercrime has become a dominant concern for many businesses, as well as individuals. Cybercriminals will target any business, and any individual if they can realize a profit from their minimal efforts. One of the ways that criminals achieve their goals is through the use of malware that garners a fast profit, such as ransomware. More enterprising criminals will use more persistent malware, which enables them to return to the target for further victimization.

PCI DSS 4.0 Requirements - Protect from Malicious Software and Maintain Secure Systems and Software

We often hear how a company was compromised by a sophisticated attack. This characterization contains all the romantic thrill of a spy movie, but it is usually not how most companies are victimized. Most breaches usually happen as a result of malware entering the environment. The need to protect against malware is addressed in progressive degrees in Requirement 5 of the new 4.0 version of the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).

US charges two men with Mt. Gox heist, the world's largest cryptocurrency hack

More than ten years after the hack of the now-defunct Mt. Gox cryptocurrency exchange, the US Department of Justice says it has identified and charged two men it alleges stole customers' funds and the exchange's private keys. Two Russians, 43-year-old Alexey Bilyuchenko, and Aleksandr Verner, 29, are charged with conspiring to launder 647,000 Bitcoins - in a cryptocurrency heist which would have been worth approximately half a billion dollars today.

ChatGPT and Data Privacy

In April 2023, German artist Boris Eldagsen won the open creative award for his photographic entry entitled, Pseudomnesia: The Electrician. But, the confusing part of the event for the judges and the audience was that he refused to receive the award. The reason was that the photograph was generated by an Artificial Intelligence (AI) tool.