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Veriato vs. Teramind: A Head-to-Head Comparison

Both Veriato and Teramind offer user activity monitoring, user behavior analytics, employee productivity, insider threat detection, and cybersecurity solutions. However, Teramind offers more features, such as advanced endpoint data protection, comprehensive employee monitoring, user and entity behavior analytics (UEBA), a wide range of insider threat detection solutions, and business process optimization (BPO).

Types of Insider Threats Risking Your Company's Security

Businesses face myriad cybersecurity risks, from phishing to unauthorized access of proprietary information. While restricting access rights and maintaining strict security measures can help, potential insider threats are always a risk. Organizations must effectively monitor for signs of insider threats to prevent financial loss or the compromise of critical assets.

The Surprising DarkNet Connection Between Job Insecurity and Insider Threats

In January 2024, Cloudflare employee Brittany Peach achieved social media virality when she recorded a video of her former company firing her and posted the exchange on TikTok, where it was viewed millions of times and featured as front-page news across mainstream media platforms. She’s just one of many employees recording and posting their layoff meetings online. This trend is accelerating as more companies make staffing cuts. However, these videos reflect more than just a viral internet trend.

5 Strategies for Cutting the Costs of Insider Threats

The costs associated with insider threats continued to rise in 2022. This is bad news for organizations that are already under financial pressure from the uncertainty of the economy. As interest rates continue to climb and customers become more conservative about how they spend, the last thing that any organization needs is to be putting out fires from security incidents coming from arsonists inside their own house.

Government Frameworks and Regulations for Insider Threats

Government offices deal with sensitive information all the time. In fact, they deal with the most sensitive kinds of information—classified information, data assets requiring security clearance, or other kinds of classified material subject to additional government requirements. So how do governments deal with insider threats? The federal government has established some pretty extensive and detailed policies to keep data safe.

3 Critical Elements of Effective Insider Risk Management

Whether businesses are grappling with rapidly changing market conditions, continued pandemic disruptions, geopolitical conflicts, or shifting workplace arrangements, threat actors are looking to take advantage of the moment to undermine network integrity or compromise data privacy. In many ways, their efforts are bearing fruit. According to a recent industry survey, 66 percent of respondents indicated they experienced a ransomware attack in 2021, a 29 percent year-over-year increase.

5 Effective Tips for Securing Government Agencies Against Insider Threats

The uptick in recent years in cyber attacks by rival state actors, primarily Russia and China but not only, as well as criminal groups, have pushed the US government to step up its effort to defend against these malicious actors. While much of the focus has been on external actors, there has also been an ongoing effort to secure government organizations from internal threat actors. Insiders present a serious risk because they have authorized access to be inside the organization.

0-Days are on the Rise and that Means a Lot More Work for SOC Teams

In a recent report by the incident response giant Mandiant, which was purchased by Google in March, their researchers found that 2021 was a record year for the total number of 0-day vulnerabilities disclosed and exploited. According to their findings, their team identified some 80 0-days exploited in the wild. At the same time, Google Project Zero researchers reported the detection and disclosure of 58 0-days.